How To Trust Instead Of Worry Sample

How To Trust Instead Of Worry

DAY 3 OF 5

You are Valuable

What’s your worry? What are your concerns at home or at the office? What is in your heart that you need to lay down to Him and say, “Lord, I want to give this to You, so that I can trust You with it”? 

Matthew 6:30 says, “And if that’s how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, won’t He do much more for you — you of little faith?” In this passage, Jesus is telling us two things. 

Number one, He wants you to believe that God will provide for your needs. Not just your clothes and food, but He will provide the deepest needs of your heart and soul. That’s the good news. The bad news is what you and I think we need is not always the same as what God knows we need. We may be pleading to Him, “God, please provide this very need,” and the Lord is saying, “Wait a minute, you don’t really need that. You think you need that rescue at this moment, but you actually need to go further into the trial so that you can learn something greater about Me.” In our walk with God and as followers of Christ, it can be challenging to trust that He knows our needs more than what we believe our needs are. His Word says, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask.” The truth is that you and I don’t even understand the depths of our needs. There are things that you and I need that are so deep within the soul, groanings too deep for words, that we must surrender, believing God will provide.

Number two is believing you are valuable to God. If God dresses the fields with flowers, aren’t you more valuable than that? Doesn’t He love you more? Won’t He do more for you then? 

God provides your needs because you are so much more valuable than anything He’s ever planted on the earth. He’s planted His very own Spirit in your heart. He doesn’t just love you, He likes you! He’s not just interested in you, He’s come for you. He doesn’t just listen to you when He doesn’t have anybody else praying. He’s listening to you at every single moment. Do you want to move from worry to trust in God? Then begin to believe and trust that God will provide your needs because you mean everything to Him. 

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

How To Trust Instead Of Worry

Anxiety and worry are rampant throughout our culture. This plan shows us that the end of worry and the beginning of trust are found in two foundational beliefs: believing God will provide for our needs and believing that we are valuable to God. Choose to trust Him today by seeking Him first and living in wisdom.
