Is Healing the Will of God?Sample

Is Healing the Will of God?

DAY 1 OF 5

Is healing the will of God? Many churches and many preachers will say that some people will be healed and some people will not be healed. The reason that some won't be healed, they will say, is because God has to teach them some kind of a lesson. Does He really?

When a sick person goes to get prayer, people pray, lay hands on them, and if they don't get healed, people will conclude that this person is experiencing something that Job experienced -- a punishment from God, a test of some kind from God. This is what many people are taught from a young age. You may hear pastors praying, “Lord, if it is your will, heal this man.” So, is it God’s will to heal? Will God heal some and leave some ignored? Is God unfair?

Imagine being the sick person. You have had it with that sickness; you want to be well. You want to stand again, run again, eat well again, and, in search of healing, you ask a pastor to pray. He encourages you, telling you that God is able to heal. He shows you that many people in the Bible were even raised from the dead. By this time your heart is joyful and in expectation that you will be like them too: healed, secure, and whole again. Then, he prays for you and ends it with, ‘Heal him if it is Your will.’ Ah! That line makes you feel like the light of hope you looked toward at the end of the tunnel is a train. The frustration and confusion of not knowing if it is the will of God for you to remain sick or be healed can feel like a train wreck. You just want this sickness to end.

When you have no clarity about the will of God in this issue, you will find yourself in limbo and tormenting confusion from hell. You have no idea whom to go to. You cannot see a clear solution. All you can see is a dead end. Do you know that God is not a God of confusion? The devil is the author of confusion. God is the author of clarity. 

As you read this Bible plan your confusion about God's will for healing will be made clear. 

Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”

So, If Jesus liked fish fry when he created Adam -- He still likes fish fry. Come the new Heaven and new earth, He will still like fish fry. Why? “He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”  

When you meet someone they may say "This is who I am."  But who they are is changing every day. I identify with that. Only Jesus can say "I am who I am" because perfection doesn’t need to change. Imperfection needs to change from one step to another. That's why our phone gets updates. And we all have bugs just like our phone's software--something we need to work on. Jesus doesn’t have anything to work on because He has always been perfect, He is perfect, He will always be perfect. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

That means, if it was the will of God to heal 2,000 years ago, it is still His will to heal. He wants to heal you today and forevermore.


Day 2

About this Plan

Is Healing the Will of God?

In this plan Pastor Sarat Yellasiri unfolds Scripture to bring you clarity and assurance about Biblical promises for healing. There has been much confusion about sickness and healing. This Bible plan aims to bring sharpness and clarity to your heart so that you can walk in the fullness of the promise with no doubt whatsoever. Learn to stand boldly and confidently in the Word of God.
