One Day (There Will Be Healing)Sample

One Day (There Will Be Healing)

DAY 2 OF 5


I was eight years old when my Aunt Beth passed away. There had been other deaths in my family before this, but I was too young to comprehend it, and they were elderly members of the extended family that I never really knew. I felt very close to my Aunt Beth, however. She was the first person that taught me how to play piano. She would come to our house and play on our old Baldwin upright. I’d hop on the bench with her and she’d help me learn simple versions of hymns. She was a wonderful, joyful person, and I felt the pain of losing her as much as an eight year old can. She was in a tragic accident and passed days later in the hospital. Though I was young, I still vividly remember it; so much sorrow, so much grief, so many tears.  Even at eight years old, I remember wondering why. Why do people get hurt and sick? Why do people have to die? My questions were left unanswered.    

None of us are strangers to the brokenness of this life. We’ve all experienced firsthand the pain of illness, tragedy, and loss. It’s part of what makes us human. I won’t attempt to give you a satisfying answer to the question of “Why?” but I will give you God’s answer to another question I’ve frequently asked: “When will it end?”  In Revelations 21:4, we read that “He [Jesus] will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Christian, all of our suffering will come to an end when we are face to face with Jesus. There will be no more sickness. There will be no more death. Jesus will hold us to Himself, and He will wipe away the tears from our face with His own hand—the same hand that was nailed to the cross so you could be with Him. In that moment, I believe our questions will all be answered. Not, perhaps, with explanation, but with His perfect love.

“One day there’ll be no more lives taken too soon. One day there’ll be no more need for a hospital room. One day every tear that falls will be wiped by His hand.”  

-lyrics from “One Day” by Cochren & Co.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

One Day (There Will Be Healing)

None of us are strangers to the brokenness of this life. We’ve all experienced firsthand the pain of loss, illness, and injustice. As we look around this world, it’s easy to feel hopeless, but thank God we are promised more than this world. We are promised heaven. My prayer is that this study would point you to that hope—healing for all creation.
