The 7 Sayings of Jesus on the CrossSample

The 7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross

DAY 2 OF 7

Luke 23:43 “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise"

Two criminals flanked Jesus on either side of Him as He was nailed to and hung suffering on The Cross. 

These two common criminals both deserved punishment for their crimes but Jesus was guilty of nothing. He committed no crimes and yet He still faced death on The cruel Cross. Jesus endured this as it was according to God’s great love and His plan of salvation for us. 

One criminal mocked Him while the other recognized Jesus for Who He was and expressed faith in Him.

Both would die along with Jesus that day and even in their inevitable death, they had a choice to make: Receive Jesus’ free gift of salvation and have life or reject Him and receive eternal death and separation from God.  This was literally their last opportunity. 

The criminal who recognized Jesus for Who His is said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”., (Luke 23:42)

In His humanity, Jesus could have simply ignored this man but here again, Jesus came for this reason, in order to save sinners like this thief, or like you and I. 

In great compassion and through great physical suffering, Jesus reassured him that he’d be in heaven with him that very day. “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise”. (Luke 23:43)

Note that Jesus didn’t ask him first to try and get down off The Cross and clean himself up, or do anything but believe in Him and receive Him as he expressed remorse and repentance for his sins. Jesus forgave him right then and there and received him into His kingdom.

What amazing grace, compassion, sacrifice, and love Jesus showed this man. This is the same grace, compassion, sacrifice and love He shows us. 

Jesus and the two criminals died, and one criminal entered heaven rejoicing, joining together with all of heaven worshiping Jesus, while the other entered eternal hell where he faced eternal punishment and separation from God. 

We are like the two criminals. We deserved death and eternal punishment for our sins but God in Great love for you and I sent Jesus to die on our behalf. 

The question remains for each of us, do we want to be in paradise with Him too when we die like the thief who received His free gift of salvation? Or, do we want to be like the other criminal who mocked and rejected Jesus and went not only to his physical death, but his eternal death and punishment separated from God forever?

While you still have life in you, may you choose to receive His free gift of salvation and if you already have, don’t ever take it for granted and may you seek, love, and serve Him will all that is within you all the days of your life. 

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

The 7 Sayings of Jesus on the Cross

As we humbly approach each season of Easter / Resurrection remembrance and celebration, it should lead us to contemplate anew all that God The Father accomplished through Jesus His Son so we might have salvation and life in and through Him. The aim of this 7-Day devotional is to help lead us in a time of meaningful contemplation as we study the seven significant sayings of Jesus on The Cross.
