Finding Your True IdentitySample

Finding Your True Identity

DAY 4 OF 4

Day 4 - Image is Not Identity

Satan wants to do everything possible to deceive and discourage you. The Bible says he is the father of all lies hoping to blind the minds of unbelievers. He also wants you to base your self-worth on feelings or the opinions of others. 

The enemy tries to get you to believe that God makes mistakes. That was his original lie to Adam and Eve, and he still uses it today. He also hopes the challenges of living in a broken world will cause you to question God’s love for you.

If that does not work, then he wants you to focus on creating an image of who you want the world to see you as. He uses this to keep you busy and from not seeing your true identity.

The problem is image never equals identity.

Image is about self-perception. That leads to behavior and decisions made to manage our appearance and what we wish others think about us. When you do this, you are constantly changing who you are and what you do in order to try to manage how others see and accept you. And worse, you have to keep changing those things based on who you are with or what circumstances exist in any given moment.

This is exhausting. Trying to “make myself look better than I am” always fails in the end. We want to encourage you to stop trying to find identity through image, career or feelings. Do not buy into the lies of the enemy. 

True identity is ultimately based on your relationship with Christ. That relationship builds character. Character is who you really are and doesn’t change. You can only find the real the answer to “Who am I” when you look to Jesus first.

We hope this plan encouraged you to find your true identity. If you want to talk with someone more about this then go to 

Day 3

About this Plan

Finding Your True Identity

Many of us seek identity in different ways. We spend time wondering or worrying about who we are and what others think. Deep down we long to be valued, loved, respected, and admired. There is only one relationship that shows us our true identity. Join us for the next four days to find where your true identity lies.
