FCA Endurance: Becoming IronFitSample

FCA Endurance: Becoming IronFit

DAY 10 OF 10

Train to Finish Strong


“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6


DNF (Did Not Finish). Three letters that no triathlete wants to hear. An endurance event is not a small commitment. It requires months (sometimes years) of preparation. Time, sweat, money, sacrifice, energy–these are all required to be successful on race day. No one wants to fail after investing an exhaustive amount of time and resources.

Many DNF causes are out of an athlete’s control. Improper or inadequate training though, is completely avoidable. You can start with a sound plan and be diligent and steadfast in sticking to that plan. Yes, some days will be both physically and mentally challenging, but don’t give up or give in. Stick with it! Remember why you’ve chosen to take on your challenge and remain disciplined. This will get you to the finish line and all of the time, energy, and resources you invested will pay off.

Look to Jesus as your role model. He did not give up! He saw it through to the finish and we have salvation in Him because of what He did. At times, our spiritual journey can seem as tough and as challenging as training for a race. Take the same approach with your spiritual life as you do with your race preparation. In this case, stick to God’s plan and be just as diligent and steadfast as you are with your training plan. Let Him work through you, to the finish, for His purpose and His glory.


1. Describe what you might do when life gets tough and you feel like giving up.

2. How can you create extended time in prayer and be in His presence?


John 19:30

Galatians 6:9

Hebrews 10:24-25

Matthew 24:13


“Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus Christ to Earth to show us the way to live for You and Your greater purpose. Jesus, thank You for doing the Father’s will and finishing strong. Help us to remember what You did for us when times get tough. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that helps us persevere and not give up or give in. Let us finish strong by giving You glory.”

Day 9

About this Plan

FCA Endurance: Becoming IronFit

This plan is a ten-day guide to increasing your spiritual strength and performance. Many endurance athletes spend hours, days, and months training to compete in an event like Ironman but may not spend time training for their spiritual journey. These athletes have an intense training regimen that can be duplicated in your spiritual training with God. The next ten days prepares you for that. Let the training and competition begin!
