Rooted In ChristSample

Rooted In Christ

DAY 1 OF 7

Rooted In Christ: Salvation 

Imagine that it’s Christmas morning and the biggest gift you have ever seen is set before you and instead of opening it, you just stare at it and hold onto the box, or you set it aside and never open it? Imagine how disappointed the person who gave you the gift would be knowing after everything they’d done to give this gift to you only for you to essentially reject it or be complacent toward the gift? That would be kind of crazy for you to not receive the gift, huh?

Sadly that’s exactly what many do with the gift that in great love, God the Father presents us through His son Jesus. We may know about His gift. We may have looked at His gift just like seeing a wrapped gift. Yet, we’ve never opened His gift which is the free gift of salvation. Or, if we have opened it, we may take that gift for granted sometimes. 

We need to understand that being rooted begins at the foot of the cross. 

Just as the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30) We must ask the same question and discover the answer ourselves. Thankfully God’s Word is very clear on how we can be saved. To the Philippian jailer’s question, they replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31)

The book of Romans also provides clear insight into why we need to be saved and how. The following is referred to The Romans Road as it’s is comprised of six pillars of truth drawing from a group of 6 verses from The Book of Romans for you to read and study. If you “walk down this road” you will arrive at an understanding of how you can be saved or if you already have, this will serve as an encouraging refresher for you. You need to understand that: 

  1. No One is Good –  Romans 3:10-12
  2. We All Fall Short – Romans 3:23
  3. Everyone is Guilty – Romans 5:12
  4. We’re All Guilty of Sin and Sin Earns Us Death – Romans 6:23
  5. God Loves Us – Romans 5:8
  6. You Need To Confess and Believe – Romans 10:9-10, 13

If you haven’t already, this is a pathway you can walk, right now! The Question is – will you walk it? 

I pray that you’ve received His gift and if you have, that you never take it for granted. May you become more deeply rooted, built up, and established in Christ day-by-day. If you have not received His gift, I pray that you do and by doing so, you can experience the very same blessing.  

Just as a tree cannot establish roots apart from being planted in fertile soil, you cannot become rooted and establish in faith apart from Jesus. May you begin to establish roots through His salvation and may your roots grow deeply in Christ.  

Questions to get started with

  • How is salvation connected to becoming rooted, built up, and established in faith? 
  • Where does becoming rooted begin?
  • What do you need to do to be saved?
  • Do you take God’s gift of salvation for granted? If so, why and what do you need to do to change this?
  • Do you seek to grow in being deeply rooted, built up, and established in Christ day-by-day?
Day 2

About this Plan

Rooted In Christ

‘Rooted In Christ’ is a Bible plan aimed to help us understand more of what it means to be rooted, built up, and established in Christ. Through these 7 days, we’ll take a journey through a few of the essential topics and tools that will help deepen our roots in Christ.
