The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part OneSample

The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part One

DAY 1 OF 31

God’s Family: The word “family” can mean many different things to different people. Often, when people speak of family, they mean their blood relatives, specifically those with whom they live (often called the “nuclear family”). While this certainly is one aspect of family, it is not the totality of it. When Christians speak of family, we also refer to God’s family, his ekklesia, or “church.” Those who are members of God’s household, brought together in Jesus the Messiah, are more than random individuals who come together a couple of times a week. When we enter God’s Kingdom, we become family with one another, forging a unique bond that transcends blood relations, culture, social class, or geographic location. We are all children brought together into God’s great family. Instructions for Daily Reading: Each day as you engage the Scripture, we recommend following this pattern of devotional reading. [Take a brief moment of silence to quiet your heart.] 1. Read the Scripture aloud. 2. Seek out where King Jesus is at work in the Scripture. 3. Pray over the Scripture. 4. Discern how this Scripture impacts your life. [Demonstrate loyalty to Jesus in one tangible way today.] Friday Night Sabbath Meal: The Sabbath is an incredible opportunity for God’s people to rest and experience peace with God. One of the best ways to honor the Sabbath is to take part in a Sabbath meal. This meal creates an environment of remembrance of the faithfulness of God, as well as an invitation for God himself to settle in amongst his people. In many ways, this meal looks to the future as one day, God’s family will sit at his table, in his presence, in eternity. With this in mind, we recommend setting aside Friday nights as a time to experience a Sabbath meal with family and friends. Be sure to set aside time during this meal for prayer, communion, and scripture reading. At the table, use the material from this reading plan as a catalyst for conversation and allow the Lord to work and move through discussion with your loved ones. The Sabbath meal is a practice that will radically change both your relationship with God and with your loved ones!


"Daily Reflection: As we begin our journey through the book of Mark, it is critical to note the author’s purpose in writing this particular account of the gospel. Mark was a follower of Peter, who stayed very close to the happenings taking place in the reading to come. He wrote this account for Christians in Rome who were suffering on account of their loyalty to Jesus Christ. For this reason, Mark opens his gospel account by first addressing John the Baptist. This was a strategic place to start because John the Baptist fulfilled prophecy that the world had longed to see. In a mere eight verses, Mark writes of the good news, baptism, repentance, prophecy, the Holy Spirit, and the coming of the Messiah-King. In other words, for suffering Christians in Rome, the Gospel According to Mark would provide a breath of fresh air to God’s people, as well as serve as a reminder for where they have placed their hope. Daily Demonstration: In 10 days, we will be entering into a time of prayer and fasting. As a means of preparation for the fast, use today to reflect upon the goodness of God and all that he has provided through Jesus. With what purpose will you enter into the fast? What is God doing in your heart? What is God doing around you? Is there anything for which you need to repent? Take today to begin to prepare your heart for the fast that is to come."


Day 2