Learning From the Old Testament Greats: Abraham – The Father of FaithSample

Learning From the Old Testament Greats: Abraham – The Father of Faith

DAY 12 OF 12

Day 12: A Wife for Isaac

Thoughts on the Passage

Trusting the leading of God for important decisions.

Abraham trusted God to lead his servant to a woman who would be the perfect wife for his son, Isaac. He had no idea how the search would unfold. He trusted that God would direct the search. Abraham not only trusted God, he taught his servant to do the same thing. This servant prayed specifically for direction, and God did it just as he requested. God has not changed! We can trust Him today for key decisions as well.

God prepared the heart of Rebekah and her family to let her go with this stranger. That is not a trivial thing either. It was also part of the prayer that Abraham and the servant had (Genesis 24:5-7). God prepared the heart of Rebekah to leave her home and become the mother of a nation. God prepared her father and brother to willingly let Rebekah go with their blessing. God has not changed here either. We can trust Him to prepare hearts.

Finally, the servant took time to thank and worship God for this amazing answer to prayer. God has not changed here either! He wants us to be people who take time to thank Him when He goes before us, leads us, and directs us to our answer.

Application to our Lives

Do not be afraid to ask God for things that seem impossible. It takes training in our lives though. Abraham learned and taught his family and servants. Let us do the same thing.

Do not forget to say “thank you” to God for His answers.

Time to Pray

Father, today as I read this story I am amazed at Abraham. His faith in You was beyond what I have learned. So train my heart to have this kind of faith. Teach me and give me a teachable heart. Give me strength to teach the people of God as well. They have such potential to do great things, just like this servant. They need good models of faith, they need practice, and they need a heart that listens closely to You. Strengthen them I pray. Finally, I take time today to thank You for the great blessings and answered prayers. Your blessings are new every morning, and I thank You for their timing. Thank You for faithfully covering me during the day and throughout the evening. May I always start everyday with Your blessing, provision and joy. In Jesus name, Amen.

Day 11

About this Plan

Learning From the Old Testament Greats: Abraham – The Father of Faith

How do we respond when God promises to do something in our lives that naturally seems impossible? Do we respond by making “back-up” plans in case God doesn’t come through? Do we believe for a certain time and then give up hope because it didn’t happen within our timeframe? In this plan we look at the life and faith of Abraham.
