A Woman Of Significance: Knowing Your Identity In God Sample

A Woman Of Significance: Knowing Your Identity In God

DAY 2 OF 5

God’s Masterpiece

“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
—Genesis 1:27 (NASB)

The above potent Scripture, boldly stated in the very first chapter of the recorded Word of God, presents the fact that you, dear one, have been created in the very image of God! 

It’s true: you are like God. You were created to “look” like, act like, and talk like the God of the universe. You are His exact representation on planet earth in these early days of the twenty-first century. He made you to be His consummate masterpiece. Now, of course, you are not God Himself. However, He made you to be just like Him in every way imaginable! God created both male and female in His very own image. You have the DNA of God inside of you!

You weren’t created to be a reflection of past rejection, childhood abuse, marital mistreatment, or emotional panic—you were created to reflect the character and nature of the God who is Love incarnate. You have been given the remarkable opportunity to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus to a world in pain.

The enemy of your soul, Satan, doesn’t want you to tap into the richness of who you were created to be, and so he endeavors to distract you with distorted thinking, a misguided mind-set, and an illegitimate self-image. Satan tries to abort your identity by convincing you that you are not enough and that you will never be enough—and absolutely nothing could be further from God’s eternal and exciting truth!

After God created man and woman, He blessed them, and then He gave them authority over all that He had created! He left them in charge of creation. You, my friend, have been left in charge in this world by the One who holds all authority and power!

I want you to realize the importance of examining your belief system concerning your view of yourself. Remember, you will never be able to live beyond who you think that you are. If you can believe in your heart that God’s Word is always true and that what He has declared always embodies His well-thought-out plans, then you must, you simply must, begin to think about yourself the way that He does. When you submit your mind to the Word and the purpose of your Creator, it will impact the words you speak, the decisions you make, and the company you keep. I want you to think about all that you are instead of all that you are not.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

A Woman Of Significance: Knowing Your Identity In God

Our outward features and our abilities are not the essence of who we are and should never be given the defining voice in our life. We must discover God’s assessment of our worth and true potential. As a woman of significance, you are encouraged to agree with who God says you are! The powerful truth about identity is this: You will never know yourself until you know yourself in God.
