Living FaithfullySample

Living Faithfully

DAY 1 OF 18

What is Faith?

Hebrews 11 is the great roll call of the faithful—those who stand as examples for us as a result of their perseverance. But before considering these great men and women, the author provides a short definition of faith. 

He says that faith involves a sure and certain hope. Specifically, we lay hold by faith of the fact that Jesus has finished the course for us and thus enables us to finish the paths God has for us. We don’t see Jesus, but we know that He is in heaven and is helping us. 

Faith is not simply believing in God. Faith is believing God. Faith is trusting God. Faith says, “I believe what You say. I trust You, and I will follow You wherever You lead me.” Thus, faith carries us on our journey. 

Is faith blind? Some would say so. After all, Hebrews 11:1 says that it involves being “certain of what we do not see.” But no, faith is not blind. When God revealed Himself to Abram, He appeared to him. God certainly appeared to Moses, and gave repeated manifestations of His presence and glory to Israel in the plagues and the dividing of the Red Sea. God appeared in the pillar of cloudy fire on Mount Sinai and visibly led Israel for 40 years. Finally God appeared in Jesus Christ. Moreover, Romans 1:20 says that God’s power and divinity are clearly seen in His creation. No, faith is not blind. 

What the author of Hebrews means is that we cannot see the future. We see what God has done in the past, and we trust Him for what He has promised to do in the future. The future glories are the unseen things of which we are certain by faith.

Coram Deo: Living before the face of God

Think back over your life and the lives of those you know. Can you see things God has done for you? If nothing comes to mind immediately, ask God to show you some of those things. Now considering His promises, take a few minutes and write down your remembrances of His goodness to you.

Copyright © Ligonier Ministries.

Day 2

About this Plan

Living Faithfully

The Bible is filled with stories of real people facing real problems with real faith. By surveying the lives of great men and women of the Bible who walked by faith through flaws and failures, this 18-day study will encourage you to live faithfully in the presence of God for His glory.
