Hollywood Prayer Network On The Pain Of GossipSample

Hollywood Prayer Network On The Pain Of Gossip

DAY 7 OF 7


“I resolve to speak ill of no man whatever, not even in a matter of truth; but rather by some means excuse the faults I hear charged upon others, and upon proper occasions speak all the good I know of everybody.” Benjamin Franklin

PRAY:  Thank You, Lord, that I am ending my week on Gossip with a mandate from Paul to only talk about what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, and only what benefits those who listen. I want to be that kind of person. I thank You that as I keep my eyes on You, and control my tongue, that I can stop all unwholesome talk and only build up others, glorify You, and lead non-believers to You. Lord, I have so much potential and I thank You that You never give up on me, that You're there for me, and that I can keep turning to You for help, strength, wisdom, and direction. Use me, Lord, direct my words and let me make an eternal difference in the world. Amen!
REFLECT:  Christians often focus on what we should do, act upon, or accomplish to be great Christians. But here Paul tells us to focus on what we say. All Christians should embrace his encouraging words and be empowered to make an eternal difference in life by the words that we use. Do you only use words that are helpful for building others up according to their needs? Do you choose words that benefit those who listen? What would it take to be lifting up others, encouraging them, being sensitive to their needs, and not saying anything unwholesome— which includes gossip? We could literally change the world around us. People would notice and many would try to follow our example. Some would ask why we're so encouraging and why we're being careful in what we say, and then we'd get a chance to share our faith. Because of that, some would walk away with a new hope, new ideas, and a more positive view of the world! 
ACT:  Ready for a new commitment to end your week? Say something nice, kind, encouraging, helpful, beneficial, uplifting, or loving to one person EVERY DAY. If you have to, call someone just to let them know you love them, or if you see someone you don't know and want to let them know that you noticed them... do it! Whatever it is, start practicing wholesome talk, so that you won't be tempted to get idle and gossip. You will start having so much fun with it every day that you'll notice when you miss a day. It's fun, it pleases God, and it benefits everyone who listens. Go make the world a better place!

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Day 6

About this Plan

Hollywood Prayer Network On The Pain Of Gossip

Gossip. It permeates every part of every society across the globe. Human beings love to talk about other people. But God is saddened by gossip. This week the focus is on the temptations to gossip, the dangers of gossip, and how to make our words wholesome and encouraging, building people up and leading people to Jesus. Find out how changing your words can change others’ lives!
