The God Of HopeSample

The God Of Hope

DAY 1 OF 3

The God Of Hope

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” Romans‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

He is the God of Hope. Have you lost hope? Have you lost hope for the future? Have you lost hope in any area of your life? Maybe, fear has choked your hope. Maybe, failure and defeat has strangled your hope. Maybe, disappointment has suffocated your hope. Maybe, you’ve lost hope for something and you can’t figure out why. God is the Author and Architect of Hope. He can restore your hope in an instant. Surrender to Him. Lay prostrate at the feet of Jesus, for He is Hope. Place your hope in Christ. 

Maybe, you’ve misdirected your hope. Maybe, you’ve made an idol of hoping in someone or something. Maybe, instead of placing your hope in God, you’ve placed your hope in man and in things. God gives us good things, but don’t let “good” things become gods. 

Promotion is His. Wisdom is His. Influence is His. Resources are His. Wealth belongs to Him. Don’t focus on temporal things. Don’t worship the temporal — choose to worship God. Place your hope in Christ — He is the God of hope. 

Your pit isn’t too deep. Your valley isn’t too dark. Let God reignite your hope. Let God restore your hope in Him. You may be surrounded by lions who are looking to devour you — remember that God is more powerful than any lion that you may face. God will even close the mouth of lions. Submit and surrender to the God of Hope. 

According to Strong’s Concordance, the Greek word for “Hope” is, ‘elpis’ (G1680) which means, “to anticipate usually with pleasure, expectation of good, the author of hope, or the thing hoped for.” May God restore your hope. May God give you peace and rest on every side. May He restore and reset your expectations. May He become the Author of your hope. May your love for God outweigh the “things” that you’re hoping for. Place your hope in Him. Redirect your focus and shift your hope in Christ. 


Day 2

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The God Of Hope

Share this College Devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-changing devotional. Have you lost hope? Have you lost hope in any area of your life? Maybe, failure and defeat has strangled your hope. Maybe, you’ve lost hope for something and you can’t figure out why. God is the Author and Architect of Hope. Surrender to Him as you read this life-transforming message.
