Read To Me Daily Semester 4ნიმუში

Read To Me Daily Semester 4

DAY 69 OF 116

DANIEL 9-10:
Yesterday in Daniel, we heard of the vision of four beasts representing four kingdoms. After the fourth would be the start of the rule of One whose kingdom will last forever. This vision was explained, then Daniel had a second and more detailed vision. It is a major amazing sign of God’s sovereignty over human governments that Alexander the Great is so clearly portrayed, and then the iron kingdom of Rome. Just as certain as these things happened, our Savior’s reign will one day come to earth.

And I have been referring to Daniel 7 all year, to the section where a man came who looked like a ‘human being’ (in the GNT) surrounded by clouds. The words ‘human being’ are literally in Hebrew ‘son of man’, an expression which simply means a normal-looking human being. It is the same title God so frequently used for Ezekiel and which was translated as ‘Mortal man.’ Listen again about this unique Son of Man: 

Dan. 7:14 GNT “He was given authority, honor, and royal power, so that people of all nations, races, and languages would serve him. His authority would last forever and his kingdom would never end.” 

ISAIAH 26:20—27:
There were beautiful verses in yesterday’s reading in Isaiah— too many to review. I choose to highlight verses 2-4:

Is. 26:2 GNT Open the city gates and let the faithful nation enter,
the nation whose people do what is right.
3 You, Lord, give perfect peace
to those who keep their purpose firm
and put their trust in you.
4 Trust in the Lord forever;
he will always protect us.

I found it interesting that Israel’s suffering was compared to a woman in childbirth, but unlike a childbirth, Israel produced nothing:

Is. 26:18 GNT We were in pain and agony, but we gave birth to nothing. We have won no victory for our land; we have accomplished nothing.

Israel was supposed to share the knowledge of the Lord with other peoples, but they neglected to do that.

In our reading in 2nd Corinthians yesterday, we heard of the terrible time of suffering Paul and his companions faced in Macedonia, where he had gone to find Titus. But when Titus came, it brought wonderful joy, because he brought such encouraging news about the Corinthian believers.

Let’s pray.
Our Lord, Christ Jesus, You are that ‘human being’ (that Son of Man) that Daniel saw. We praise You that those kingdoms that were so so immense have now come and gone, but You retain your authority, honor, and royal power. We ask that You would help us to finish our task as your ambassadors to take the Good News of your kingdom to every nation, race, and language. By the year 2050, may there be no longer be a language group anywhere that does not have access to Scripture in the language they know the best. Now Lord, as our reading in 2nd Corinthians said, we have again and again heard the promises that we will be your people and you will be our God. You will live with us. But if so, our lives need to change: Help us to know when and in what ways we are to separate ourselves from unbelievers so that we can be your holy people who live in awe of God. And also help us to know the ways we are to still be living as your ambassadors among unbelievers, so that they may hear about You, Lord Jesus, and be ready for your return.

Day 68Day 70

About this Plan

Read To Me Daily Semester 4

This plan covers the fourth and final semester (116 days) in the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan. The DDD plan delivers the chronological content of the Bible in two Old Testament portions per day plus one New Testament portion. The audio devotional introduction to each day's readings will help you to remember what you read before, and will encourage you to dig deeper to find the treasures in God’s Word.
