Create In MeSample

Create In Me

DAY 1 OF 6

DAY 1: Create in Me a Clean Heart 

Jesus Christ re-frames our existence—including our creativity—when he states with elegant simplicity: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27)  

Your first nature is to create.

In the beginning God created…
He created the Heavens and the Earth. 

A creator with such detail for creativity, has created you and me in His image, in His likeness.

 God first imagined what He should create and then He put that imagination to work.

 The evidence of His creativity is all around us and the veneration of His creativity never fails to amaze me. 

Many believe that only a few are called to be creative with the art of creative thinking. Today I’d like to break that delusion.
Everyone is creative. We are created in the image of God, the same God who created heaven and earth.

The identity of who we are comes from Him, the individuality of what we do comes from Him and the insurmountable creativity is inherited from Him.

Yes! We have inherited His creativity. We all have an irresistible, divinely-inspired impulse to create. 

We see this clearly in Genesis 1:27:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

Each and every one of us are gifted to be creative in our very own unique way.

As a mother you are channeling your creativity in the way you raise your children by inspiring them to be good in the discipline of Christ. To motivate them as you pay attention to the gifts that God has given them. Being a loving and nurturing wife to your husband. Making a home that sparks creativity and happiness.

As an entrepreneur, you are finding new ways of increasing your business and working really hard, you are reflecting the image of God.

As a writer assembling letters into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs into books, you are reflecting the image of God.

But before you start to create, ask yourself a few questions. This will really help DEFINE your creative process.

In today's world, it is not enough to simply create, but it is important to create something that makes people want to think again, that gives them hope and to help them see your creation in a whole new perspective. That is the highest form of creativity - the kind of creativity that God expects from us. 

The best form of creativity is when it helps you experience and connect with the emotion it speaks.

In order to do that your heart needs to be in the right place.

Before you begin the process of creation. Ask yourself.
Why do I need to create something?
Is it for my benefit or for the benefit of the greater good?
Is it to create a name for myself or to create the image of who God is?
Is it aligned with Who God created me to be?
Am I using my gifts to bring the love of Christ in this world?
Will God be pleased with what I create today?

So the heart is of great importance while you create. Who we are in the deep, private recesses of our lives is what God cares about the most. The purity of the heart is to will one thing - God’s truth and God’s value in everything we do.

When your heart is right with God, He can use the smallest of things you create and make it matter in this world. The intent of your heart can never be hidden.

To create with a deceitful heart will not just eventually fail, but with conviction, you might feel you have drifted afar from the presence of God.

That’s what Adam and Eve felt.

The very existence of creation was to be enjoyed and to be marveled at God’s glory. And the response of our hearts to God’s act of creation and Christ’s act of sacrifice fills us with the desire to recreate with our unique gifts.

A pure heart will strengthen your desire to create, help you endure the set backs and truly help you cherish what God does in you all along. 

The love you pour out into what you create comes from your heart. So, let your heart be pure and free from deceitfulness and impurity of this world.

Believe me, what you create will gratify you and magnify your creator.
“It is not your business to succeed, but to do right; when you have done so, the rest lies with God.” – C. S. Lewis

Day 2

About this Plan

Create In Me

Exploring our creative freedom, enlivened by the gospel – this plan breaks the misconception that only a few are born to be creative. We are created in the image of God hence we inherit his creative nature. As we unravel our nature to create, write, draw, sing or cook – it will lift our eyes to transcendence that goes beyond who we.
