Emboldening Women To Move Past BarriersSample

Emboldening Women To Move Past Barriers

DAY 2 OF 5

What Is Holding You Back?

We all have underlying beliefs about women and their relationship to God and the church. While there are a select few verses that are confusing about the role of women in the church (see 1 Timothy 2:12–14), there are plenty of timeless truths that we all agree apply to women: as image-bearers of God, sealed with the Holy Spirit, we have a holy calling—not according to our gender, abilities, or education, but based on God’s grace to be God’s own (see 2 Timothy 1:9). And Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection secured us all an epic Eden redo. 

While the Word of God shows women that we are called to love God wholly, it also elevates the Great Commandment beyond our capacity to fulfill it, and we second guess our ability. But God values the small, elevates the humble, and counts a widow’s mite as worthy (see Mark 12:41–44). Serving God through thick and thin will, at times, mean loving him with a broken heart, troubled soul, confused mind, and weakened strength. And that is okay, more than okay. Our Savior experienced heartache too. He sees our suffering and he joins us there. Press on and reach forward. Take God at his Word, and his grace will be sufficient to empower you in your weakness (see 2 Corinthians 12:9). 

The church often communicates to women that marriage is our greatest joy, and motherhood our highest calling. This is dangerous because it takes valuable things and turns them into false gods. Being a wife and a mom is a high calling, but not the highest. That’s reserved for God only. Dethroning these idols does not in any way devalue the institution of marriage or family. It elevates God to his unrivaled throne. 

Submission is another subject that holds women back from giving their all to God. Ephesians 5:22 is often looked at as putting the husband in spiritual authority over the wife. But Paul was talking about mutual submission from both husband and wife out of reverance for Christ (see verse 21), not a heirarchy. Satan loves to keep us busy worrying about roles and hinder our devotion to God.

Submission is not something asked of us; we offer it willingly as unto the Lord. A woman’s passion for her work, success on the job, or willingness to follow Jesus is not a negative. Maybe we’ve overemphasized a woman’s submissive role and, in doing so, lost sight of the fact that submission is not the hallmark of her character. The fruit of the Spirit is the hallmark of a Christian, male or female. A Christian woman should be Spirit-led. Women can and should be simultaneously mighty and humble because Jesus was.

You were handcrafted with every single part of your personality, disposition, and wiring for the good works God intended for you to carry out. Don’t hold back. You are a part of something bigger than yourself. Jesus is worthy of a lifetime committed to die-hard convictions. We were imaged after God himself and given the ability to help the way he does, by fighting and winning battles, by following Jesus’ lead and bowing low, with our knees on the earth to wash people’s feet. 


How does God value you? What holds you back from serving God? 

If women are equally created to rule the earth and produce Christ-followers alongside men, how does that change the way you approach life? How can you share these insights from God’s Word with the next generation of women?

How can you use what God has specifically given to you to bring him glory and to work for the common good of all people?

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Emboldening Women To Move Past Barriers

What’s holding you back from living out your identity as a woman of God? Many women feel conflicted about Jesus’s calling on their lives because a woman loving God beyond her heart and soul, with her mind and strength, can be thought of as crossing some line or unspoken boundary. In this 5-day devotional, author Kat Armstrong challenges you to discover the joy and freedom of being all-in for Jesus.
