Messengers Sample


DAY 4 OF 5

Sharing your story and then stopping is like telling someone about a great restaurant you went to without ever telling them where it’s at or how to get there. 

It’s great that you experienced it, but how do I experience it!?

The reality is, your story can’t change anyone’s life. Only Jesus’ story can do that.

So, what is the story?

It’s what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15. This is a beautiful telling of the story of Jesus. That we were once “dead” because of our sin. That we were left without hope, purpose, direction, without a relationship with God, but because of God’s love for us, he chose to rescue us through Jesus. Jesus lived a perfect life, died a death he didn’t deserve, and defeated death. Because of Jesus we have hope. We have purpose. We have a relationship with God.

Paul knew this message inside and out. He had this thing down and was an absolute pro when it came to sharing this message.

Learn this story. Constantly remind yourself of this story. And share it. Start with your story, but don’t stop there. Share Jesus’ story with others.

Do you feel comfortable sharing Jesus with others?

What would you say if someone asked you who Jesus was?

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan


The last thing Jesus told his disciples was, “go and make disciples of all the nations”. We are called to be messengers - to share the good news of Jesus with others. In this plan, we’ll look at why it’s important to share our faith, some fears that hold us back, and what it looks like to actually share Jesus with others.
