Our Response - To God's Plan For Our LifeSample

Our Response - To God's Plan For Our Life

DAY 4 OF 6

Where Do I Fit In God’s Plan For Humanity? 

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

The Bible assures us that God knows us by our names. The sovereign God sees us even as we are being formed. Even at that moment, He knows the choices we will face, our responses and how our life will end. This makes us realise how precious and significant we are in God’s eyes.

God created humanity in His image to have a relationship with Him. Humanity got swayed by the opinions of others, like the serpent which tempted them to sin and they lost their close fellowship with God. God sent Christ to die for us to restore the relationship due to sin. He now comes seeking after us who are lost, to restore that relationship with Him. Subsequently, God wants us to willingly co-labour with Him, as He goes about finding the other lost.

We need to spend time asking God what He wants us to do and channel our energy to do it. Life may look unexciting in trying to do what God wants us to do. I have found that willingly submitting to God’s plan indeed makes life exciting and enjoyable, despite my doubts, difficulties, and uncertainties. There is a God-given freedom from the pressures of this world in this. Our confidence is measured by the yardstick of truth in Christ and not the opinion of the people around us. 

Through the years, God’s promise of restoration was fulfilled by those who chose to obey God and co-labor with Him. Noah co-labored by obeying God to save a remnant through the flood. Abraham left his country and family to go to an unknown promised land. The list continues. God was faithful and taught his people to be different, set apart for His glory. 

Finally, God sent His son Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice to save us.  Those who believe in Him will be saved and have eternal life. Jesus is the way [the way to an eternal relationship with God], the truth [not the lie the first man believed] and life [we will conquer death eventually as Christ conquered death]

Are we willing to co-labor with God to fulfill His plan for humanity? 

Day 3Day 5