Joy In The Mourning Sample

Joy In The Mourning

DAY 2 OF 4

"It's Just a Pet"


It’s just a pet” is a phrase that I’ve heard individuals say to avid pet lovers when they didn’t understand the relational depth one shares with their pet. “It’s just a pet” could possibly be a decoded declarative statement from speaker to receiver as “Be Quiet”, “It doesn’t take all of that” or “You are doing too much.”  “It’s just a pet” can be received as a statement where one lacks empathy regarding what a Pet owner is going through. “It’s just a pet” is what I used to say when people shared their pet stories with me and I couldn’t relate and I didn’t want to. 

UNTIL My dog Rustie suddenly came into my life 12 years ago. With MUCH hesitation and resistance I had to accept this new relationship that was thrown on me one night in September 2007. I had a life altering revelation regarding the words I spoke to people concerning their pets because now, I had a pet and now I understood that "it’s just NOT a pet” it’s a family member. 

Now if someone were to tell me “it’s just a pet Kennetra” those are considered  fighting words as far as I’m concerned. Although that used to be me, I now totally understand how those words weren’t comforting to a pet owner at all. I’ve repented and I understand that I must forgive individuals who’ve said hurtful things to me. I am grateful that the individuals who were justified in holding a grudge against me forgave me and so did God. 

Some people will not understand or share the same love interests one has for their pets and that’s ok. It’s not anyone’s job to fight, bicker or set someone straight when people don’t encourage others regarding their pet’s status. Remember seeking comfort in Christ alone by and through the Holy Spirit is solid and sure. 

So if you happen to go through a valley or mountaintop experience with your pet and you hear “It’s just a pet”, Confidently conceptualize that it is “Just a pet”  a pet God created, a pet God blessed you with, and a pet that has brought great joy into your life. In my case Rustie was “Just A Pet” whose life is now a legacy for me to become a better pet steward in the future and a pet encourager in the now. Rustie was a blessing. 

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Joy In The Mourning

Enduring the loss of a pet is a difficult transitional challenge. Pets are members of families and when one passes away, it can be a hard event to recover from. Although feelings of grief are present, remember that GOD’s promises are still true. In this Plan readers will be encouraged to stand on God’s word, because even in despairing times , God provides Joy in the Mourning.
