

DAY 1 OF 4

Goliath Was Sent. 

“And there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span.” 1 Samuel 17:4 KJV

And there went out a champion, out of the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, who was sent by the enemy, in order to discourage, distract, and to intimidate the king and the armies of Israel. He was sent to paralyze their progress and to stagnate their forward momentum.

Imagine, one man, sent to immobilize an entire nation. One man, striking fear into an entire army — in order to paralyze their progress. This one man, this obstacle, stands as a barrier between victory and defeat. What’s blocking your victory? What is that “one thing” that’s standing in your way from achieving what God has called you to do? What obstacle is standing as your “Goliath“? Who or what is causing you to shrink back in fear? Who or what is blocking you from moving forward? What obstacle has caused you to fall back in defeat? Why did you stop moving forward? What obstacle became so insurmountable that it paralyzed your progress? 

Goliath (your problem) was sent by the enemy, in order to stifle your progress. The problem that you’re facing was designed to cripple your faith and sent as a stumbling block, to stop you from moving forward. That situation that stands before you, taunts you both day and night, and acts as a distraction, blocking you from pursuing your purpose and executing upon your dreams. 

Goliath is not God. Goliath (your problem) is not too big for God to handle. Genesis 18:14 KJV states, “Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.” Is there anything too hard or difficult for God? When you focus and meditate on Goliath’s size, or how well armed he is, or how seemingly insurmountable and unbeatable he is, you’ll begin to magnify Goliath and exalt the problem — making Goliath a god. Problems were meant to be solved, and Goliaths were meant to be crushed. Look past Goliath and trust God. 


Day 2

About this Plan


Vance K. Jackson leads readers through a relevatory journey in this leadership devotional by exposing the paralytic traps set by the enemy and reveals how to disarm Goliath’s generation-enslaving weapons of fear and intimidation. What’s been plaguing your family for generations? What obstacles have been blocking your Destiny? It’s time to kill Goliath and move beyond the generational norm.
