Understanding The BeatitudesSample

Understanding The Beatitudes

DAY 4 OF 9

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth

The third beatitude puzzles many people because they don’t understand what it means to be meek. Many assume the term means weak, tame, or deficient in courage. But the biblical understanding of meekness is power under control. Jesus described himself as “meek and lowly” (Matt. 11:28-29, KJV). However, this was not inconsistent with his vigorous action in cleansing the temple in Matthew 21:12-13.

In Matthew 20:28, Jesus says that he came not to be served, but to serve. Meekness is expressed through the heart of a servant. One aspect of meekness is reticence to assert ourselves for ourselves. Instead, we are to exercise power for the benefit of all people, not just ourselves. This aspect of meekness is captured by Psalm 37:1-11, which begins with, “Do not fret because of the wicked,” and ends with “the meek shall inherit the land.” It means we curb our urge to use power to avenge the wrongs done against us or to build our own image and instead use whatever power we have to serve and build others up. 

What might this blessing look like in the workplace?

It can be very challenging to submit our power to God’s agenda, particularly at work. In the fallen world, it seems to be the aggressive and the self-promoting who get ahead more often than not. However, those who look out only for their own interests lose out in the end. Those who are hungry for power are often lonely people, lacking in meaningful relationships.  Although they may have achieved great financial success and many worldly possessions, they will find out that it is, in fact, the world that possesses them. 

In contrast, Jesus said that the meek “will inherit the earth.” We tend to think of the kingdom of heaven as heaven, a place completely different (golden streets, gates of pearl) from anything we know here. But God's promise of the kingdom is a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1). Those who submit their power to God will inherit the perfect kingdom coming to earth. In this kingdom, we receive by God’s grace the good things we might otherwise fruitlessly strive for. 


Take stock of the ways that you have or use influence. How might you use your power for the good of others?


God, I submit my power to You. Lead me to exercise power as you did – for the sake of others. 


Day 3Day 5