Can't Make This Stuff Up By Whoa SusannahSample

Can't Make This Stuff Up By Whoa Susannah

DAY 5 OF 5

How can we not be passionate about the most powerful love story to ever occur? How do we become used to the ultimate sacrifice that took place on that old rugged cross? How are we insensitive to the burden Jesus bore? We forget His last moments of torment when He asks His Father, “Why have you forsaken me?” We forget the bloodshed. We forget the earth rumbling and the heavens breaking open. We forget the greatest example of agape love.

Don’t you know this just tickles Satan? He does not want us to realize God’s prevailing love for us. He wants us to believe Jesus’ death wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be, or that it’s not even true. And if it is true, we are too dirty, too unclean, too sinful to accept God’s mercy and grace. We are too “bad” to benefit from what was done on the cross that day. Satan doesn’t want us to see the extent of what happened at Golgotha. And we too often fall for it.

Sister, my prayer is that you fully realize the scale of God’s love for you. I pray you envision and understand what God’s precious and blameless Son went through for you. Yes, you. God’s heart must have been grieved at Jesus’ pain and suffering, yet He did what had to be done to save you.

It is love at its finest and purest and most powerful.

The truth found in the book of John isn’t just a Bible verse to memorize or something you see on a billboard on a busy interstate. It is the truth that saves souls from hell and sets captives free. It is the good news. The best news. The ultimate news.

And it’s about you.

Forget your flaws.

Forget your hang-ups.

Forget your sin.

God did. God forgot all of it the moment you recognized what Jesus did on that cross and you asked Him into your heart.

You are loved immensely and immeasurably. No matter what you’ve gone through in this life, joy is attainable through Jesus.

You can’t make that up.


To hear more from Susannah Lewis, check out her book Can't Make This Stuff Up, available here:

Day 4