Winning AttitudesSample

Winning Attitudes

DAY 3 OF 8

Winning Attitude 3 – Meekness

Is meekness weakness? On the contrary it demonstrates supreme strength. The Greek word for meekness, Praeis, does not imply weakness, compromise, or even practiced self-control. It implies strength under control with higher objectives. It is a quality that God highly values and that can only be acquired by one who has a strong relationship with Him. 

Isaiah 66:2b says, ”This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word”. 

The best example obviously is “Christ Jesus, who being in the very nature of God did not consider equality with God something to be grasped” (Phil. 2:5,6). He knew that the father had put all things under His power and began to wash His disciples’ feet ”that you should do as I have done for you” (John 13; Mt. 11:29, 1 Pet.2:21-23). Moses, who wielded great power complemented it with such humility and was known as most humble in the world (Num.12 :1-10). When every iota of pride has been surrendered in God’s hands, and we humbly set out to accomplish what He has for us in an attitude of total surrender, that is meekness. It takes years of walking with God to achieve true meekness. It means acknowledging our weaknesses and replacing them with His strength.

The acid test of meekness is demonstrated under duress. When they hurled their insults at Jesus, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly. (1 Pet. 2: 23). A meek person has low ego and high trust and those who trust will be trusted in turn to “inherit the earth” (Psalm 37:11).

Meek people exude radiance and confidence which shines through physical or circumstantial challenges. They can look people in the eye and speak to them lovingly and respectfully even when abused. They do not need aggression to be heard but command attention and respect. Their few words hold great value. Christ in them is visible. They are resilient amidst the toughest situations based on their silent assurance that God is in control.

Do we know God deep enough to demonstrate meekness? Are we peaceful in every situation and humble amidst all people? Is our greatest strength radiating from Christ within and the faith that our souls are secured and always moving from strength to strength?

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Winning Attitudes

What constitutes happiness? Success? Love? Material gain? A combination? These are mere perceptions. Often just when people achieve their perception of happiness, it eludes them yet again. Jesus clearly spells out the essence of true, deep soul happiness or blessedness. He defines blessedness, which never disappoints and is life transformational. It radiates through disappointments and disasters. It lifts our spirits and of those around us every time, in every situation.
