I Serve A Savior: A 12-Day Devotional By Josh TurnerSample

I Serve A Savior: A 12-Day Devotional By Josh Turner

DAY 6 OF 12

I Serve A Savior
*An excerpt from Man Stuff, p.58

“Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them.” Luke 2:19

I grew up in a Christian household. We went to church regularly, so I was frequently exposed to church culture. But in the early days of my journey of faith, a couple things happened that were not connected formally to “church.” I like to think of them, though, as seeds from which a strong oak would grow.

The first thing that happened was in the form of a gift. My daddy’s parents gave me a book titled The Book. It was a collection of Bible stories that fascinated me. I couldn’t put it down. It was in that book that I first saw a powerful and loving God. I’m forever grateful for that gift from my grandparents.

The second thing was an experience I’ll never forget. I was probably nine or ten years old at the time. Living out in the country, we had to take the trash to a dumpster that was about a half mile from our house. And between our house and the dumpster were wide-open fields. One night when Daddy and I were driving to the dumpster, I noticed that it was a really clear night, but I didn’t see the moon anywhere, and the stars were hard to see. We emptied out the trash, climbed back into the car, and started heading back to the house.

All of a sudden I noticed a light reflecting off the hood of the car, and I wondered what was causing it. At that moment I felt my upper body being pulled toward the windshield of the car, and I looked up in the sky. Up over the branch behind our house was a single cloud with a lighted silhouette of a Man standing with outstretched arms. I wanted so badly to tell Daddy what I was looking at, but the words just wouldn’t come! I was speechless. Then I felt something pull my body back into the seat, and I watched the reflection on the hood of the car fade away. When we got home, I ran out to our barn, found a piece of paper and a pencil, and made a quick sketch of what I’d just seen so I wouldn’t forget. I kept the experience to myself for several days. I finally shared it with my parents, and they said, “Josh, if you saw it, you saw it. And we believe you.”

I knew right then and there that what I’d witnessed was Jesus letting me know that He exists. There have been countless times since then when my faith was questioned or I had doubts, but I always go back to what I saw that night. It reminds me that I have no reason to doubt that I serve a living God.

These two things anchored me in God at a young age. I believed that God existed because I’d seen Him in the stories and then I’d seen Him in the sky. 

For Reflection: "I Serve A Savior" - Live From Gaither Studios 


Day 5Day 7