You Are Not AloneSample

You Are Not Alone

DAY 1 OF 6

I Found Out

One of Satan’s favorite lies is to tell you that no one understands what you’re going through. He’ll try to convince you that no one cares. Believe it or not, he tells the same lie to anyone who will listen. At one time or another, everyone has felt disheartened and abandoned.

You may feel alone right now, but I want you to know that you are not alone. You always have someone with you who sticks closer than a brother. God is with you! And when He is with you, you can be sure that everything will turn out better than OK.

I know what I’m talking about. When I was 37 years old my first husband, Brent, died. He was 37 years old too, the pastor of the church we had started, and his death was completely unexpected. He just went to bed one night and went to heaven – he hadn’t been sick or anything. After he died, I had to raise our teenage sons and pastor the church by myself. 

There were times when I felt very much alone. Eventually I wrote a book about that time in my life called Why God Why: What To Do When Life Doesn’t Make Sense. I wrote it to encourage others, because I found out first hand that our heavenly Father is not a faraway God; He is a right-here-with-you God. The Bible says that He’ll walk through the valley of shadow with us. Jesus’ name means “Emmanuel,” which means “God with us.” Not God far away from us! His very name declares His closeness. 

It’s easy to picture God on His throne way up there in heaven, far away from the problems here on earth. Indeed, God is seated on His throne in heaven, but He’s also right inside you. He is God, not bound by time or space, and therefore able to be both places at the same time. 

When God-in-the-flesh (Jesus) was on earth, He prayed to the Father to send us another Helper, one who abides with us forever. I have news for you—the Father did send the Helper (the Holy Spirit) not long after Jesus departed, and when you became a Christian that Helper came to live in you forever, so that you would never be alone!


For more encouragement, check out my book Why God Why: What To Do When Life Doesn’t Make Sense.

Day 2

About this Plan

You Are Not Alone

Sometimes when you're hurting, searching, or afraid, it’s easy to feel alone. Maybe you feel like that today, like no one is standing with you -- as if you’re facing the storms of life all by yourself. These six devotionals can encourage you and help you to see that you’re NOT alone – you’re love, protected and undergirded by God Himself and many others. 
