Exposition Of Ephesians - Chapter 1Sample

Exposition Of Ephesians - Chapter 1

DAY 3 OF 5

Redemption is not an original Christian concept. The word itself means “to buy or purchase.” In the ancient world, this term was used frequently in the context of slavery. A person who wanted to purchase a slave would go to the slave market and redeem one. Often times, the term connected a slave with their freedom. That is, a slave could be redeemed once a price was paid in exchange for their freedom. 

Scripture says that we were slaves to sin, but Christ redeemed us. But what was the price? It wasn’t silver. It wasn’t gold. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t any monetary amount. It was the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. The payment for our release was the life of the sinless Son of God. His death fulfilled God’s plan to adopt us as children, and secure our eternity in Heaven. 

But God’s plan through the work of Christ doesn’t just secure our spot in Heaven—its’ bigger than that. His plan is for all things to come together in His Kingdom, under the rule of His son, Jesus Christ. Everything in heaven and on the earth will be unified under the rule of Christ. 

The work of Jesus on the cross not only redeems us, but it allows us to transfer kingdoms. We move from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light, where everything will operate in agreement to the purpose of the Father. No circumstance or experience will be left to chance, nor will anything function outside His will. Instead, all things will work in unity to glorify God, including us!

What should be your response knowing that Jesus paid such an expensive price to redeem you?

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Exposition Of Ephesians - Chapter 1

In this 5 Day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will journey with you through chapter 1 of Ephesians highlighting 5 key topics: Heavenly Places,  Handpicked, Redemption,  Down Payment, and It’s Already Yours. Through this Week in the Word with Tony Evans, you will become better equipped to grasp that as a chosen, adopted, redeemed child of God you have been blessed “with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:3).
