21 Days of Prayer (Renew, Rebuild, Restore)Sample

21 Days of Prayer (Renew, Rebuild, Restore)

DAY 14 OF 21

Rebuilder of Lives 

Today we meditate upon the life of a young woman who lost her future and how God rebuilt it. There was a woman called Naomi, from Bethlehem. Due to famine, she, and family, relocated to a nearby country, Moab. Years later, Naomi’s husband died, and her two sons married Moabite women. Naomi’s sons also died, and she was left with her two daughters-in-law in the foreign country.

As Naomi faced many hardships and set to return to her home town, Bethlehem. One of the young widows, Ruth, chose to go with her mother in law. She did not know that God had a plan to rebuild their lives. 

Ruth went to find food for herself and Naomi and went out to glean heads of grain after the reapers. The practice was to leave the spilled grains on the field for the poor after reaping grain sheaves (Leviticus 23:22). Gleaning the spilled grain was hard work.

Ruth happened to gather grains in fields that belonged to a man named Boaz. He was a distant relative of Naomi. He was a righteous wealthy man. Because of the grace of God, Ruth found favor from Boaz. The following verses describe how Ruth obeyed the instructions of her mother-in-law, became the wife of Boaz and they were blessed with a son. 

The women of Bethlehem praised the Lord that Naomi was restored through Ruth and Boaz’s son Obed (Ruth 4:14 and15). Obed was the father of Jesse who was the father of King David. 

Ruth did not know that one day she would be the great grandmother of King David and be in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, What a great blessing! When we continue to do the right things even in the times of difficulties, God will fit us into his great plan.

It does not matter to God, where we are from and in which country we belong to. Ruth was a Moabite, people who were far from God due to past generations actions. But what she did, was pleasing in the sight of God. 

Dear friend, you may plan good things for your life and for your children, but God has plans not only for you but also for the generations to come. 

Prayer Focus:

Dear Lord, thank you that you rebuilt the life of Ruth as she was kind, obedient and continued to do good things in her life. Please help me to do the right thing with Your wisdom. In Jesus name, Amen.


Day 13Day 15

About this Plan

21 Days of Prayer (Renew, Rebuild, Restore)

This reading plan is an effective tool for you to pause from the busy schedules of your life and reconnect with God through prayer for 21 days. As you go through this plan, you will be renewed, rebuilt, and restored to the purposes of God for your life.
