Traffic Signs and Your Marriage - Part 1Sample

Traffic Signs and Your Marriage - Part 1

DAY 5 OF 5

Do Not Enter

Devotional Content:

I get curious when I see a “Do Not Enter” sign. What’s on the other side? Something interesting? Yet, I know these signs are there for a reason. For example, there could be something dangerous down that street or past the gate. I run a risk if I disobey the “do not enter” sign.

There are “do not enter” signs in marriage. Let’s look at two. First, I am married to Nancy and have been since I was 22. “Do not enter” signs need to surround my marriage. There are places I do not need to go because they are dangerous for my marriage. Flirting with another woman, having a meal or coffee with a woman alone, looking at pornography, and going to strip clubs are all “do not enters.” There are many more, but those listed are the ones I see people go past all the time and they all lead to something that is very dangerous for your marriage. The bottom line is just do not go there.

Violating the “do not enter” sign will never get you to an awesome marriage. Instead, read today’s scriptures on honor, 1 Peter 2:17 and Romans 13:7. Choose to honor your spouse by honoring your marriage.

The second “do not enter” sign in marriage has to do with respecting your spouse. For example, if you have been in an argument and your spouse needs time to think things through, give them time. If your spouse says “not tonight, how about tomorrow?” respect their request.

Listen to your spouse and respect what they ask of you. Treat them as you wish to be treated, as today’s verse from Matthew 7 directs. Give your spouse selfless love and respect, just as Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her, showing us what real love looks like.

Today’s Challenge:

1. What are the “do not enter” signs you need to obey and/or respect in your marriage?

2. Dr. Kim listed some places men need to not enter. What are places that women need to not enter?

3. What are some ways that you show respect for each other?

4. What are some other ways you can respect your spouse?

Going Deeper:

As you complete part one of this two-part plan, pick one thing you have learned to focus on for the next month.


Do you have an awesome marriage?

How does your marriage measure up? Is it healthy? Do you and your spouse communicate well? How does your marriage stack up against the rest? Is it Christ-centered? Find out where your marriage is now and learn your next steps to an awesome marriage.

Day 4