

DAY 1 OF 5

Living Ready 

 I believe a lot of us are addicted to this feeling called “ready”. We are overly dependent on having a “right-time ready” or a “financially ready” but, the Bible is not full of people that had a plan. Let me prove it to you. He says to Noah, “Go build a boat where there’s no water". He tells David, “David, go kill a giant with no armor.” He tells Moses, “Moses, hit the rock and water is going to come out.” 

So many miss moments because of their craving for “being ready” and let the fear of rejection, the fear of humiliation, & the fear of failure make their decisions for them. 

I’ve got news for you. You will never fully feel ready and rarely will you ever have it all mapped out. I’ll prove it further to you. How many of you were ready to get married on your wedding day? I wasn’t ready for my beautiful bride and she wasn’t ready for all this good stuff right here! How many of you were ready to be a parent? You may have had the names picked out & the nursery ready, but taking on the responsibility of raising a child – not so much. Be honest parents. Half the time we’re wondering, “Am I helping them out or messing them up?” I’ve got 4, I’m familiar with this feeling. If we’re addicted to comforts and wait on them to tell us when we’re ready, it will never happen.

God even said you wouldn’t be ready. 

“Eye has not seem, nor ear heard,

Nor have entered into the heart of man,

The things which God has prepared for those that love him.”

1 Corinthians 2:9 (NKJV)

He never promised you would be ready. What he did promise is that you would be purposed (Ephesians 2:10), you would be anointed (2 Corinthian 1:20-21), & that he would never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).

You might be asking, “How will I know when I’m ready?” The answer is simple – When He says you’re ready, that’s when you’re ready! Don’t let your bank statement, circumstances, & past tell you when you’re ready. You were ready the moment you were born! You’re ready! You’re purposed! You’re prepared! When he starts birthing the dream, the plan, & assignment inside of you, this moment is telling you, you’re ready!

Day 2

About this Plan


 Finisher will blow the dust of discouragement, partial obedience, & bad timing off the God given dreams & assignments on your life. No more living with regrets and excuses, its time to FINISH exactly how you started! 
