Following The MessiahSample

Following The Messiah

DAY 10 OF 10

"Come Down and Show Us":

The Romans weren’t content with executing someone; they wanted to humiliate the person and make an example for others to see.  Crosses often times lined the roads so people traveling would see the might of the Roman empire and know not to circumvent that authority.  

Jesus’ cross hung outside the city walls near one of the gates, someplace easily accessible and easily seen by all those who were coming and going from Jerusalem via that route.  Matthew’s account of the crucifixion explains that people were passing by mocking Jesus, shaking their heads in disappointment.  They challenged Jesus to come down off the cross, and then they would believe Him.  Yet, Jesus hung there quietly suffering.  Why didn’t He show them His power?  Why didn’t He come down off the cross and prove to all those people who were doubting Him, who had doubted Him for three long years during His ministry?  

Simple: It wasn’t God’s plan.  

If you’re like me, often we think we know what’s best.  We think that our plans are superior to whatever God might have in store for us. Maybe we’re too impatient to wait for things to happen on God’s schedule.  Would coming down off the cross have proven to those watching that Jesus was the Son of God?  Maybe for some, probably not for others.  That wasn’t the way God wanted it done and because of that, Jesus hung there, writhing in pain.  

Jesus is the ultimate example of how we need to live our lives.  He is the Son of God.  He is our Lord and Savior.  He followed God’s plan precisely and we have salvation because of His obedience.  

Hopefully over the past 10 days you’ve learned some valuable lessons about Jesus and, through his example, can live a life more in line with what God expects and less in line with what the world wants.

If you would like to talk further about any of these things, please reach out to us. 

Watch episode 10 of Following the Messiah.

Day 9

About this Plan

Following The Messiah

Practical real-world lessons from the master teacher.  Look at the places where Jesus lived, taught and ultimately fulfilled God's plan of salvation for His people. Gain a fresh perspective of what the scriptures say by seeing these places firsthand.
