Ready Set Go! How To Run This Race Called LifeSample

Ready Set Go! How To Run This Race Called Life

DAY 3 OF 4

I should have listened to my husband Alex. I had very little training or technique in running long distances. I had seen others do it, so I thought I could do it too. What I lacked in skill I made up for in pride and ego. They say pride comes just before the fall…and when I fell (literally), wow—did it hurt. 

What’s hindering your race? Where are you not allowing God to lead? 

Are you jumping into a relationship too soon, ignoring red flag after red flag? Are you leaving a job out of hurt or disappointment when God says to stay? Are you staying at a job out of fear and comfort when God says to step out in faith? 

Have you been putting off writing that book? Have you procrastinated starting that business or non-profit because you don’t trust that you heard from God and that He is leading you? 

Whatever it is, stop it! Choose faith over fear. Fix your eyes on Jesus. 

US Marine recruits while in formation are prohibited from turning their head or eyes away from their direct front, even if being addressed by someone from behind. And when the Drill Instructor yell “Ears!”, the recruits, respond “Open!”. And when the DI yells “Eyeballs”, the recruits response is “Click!”

In this new season of your race, GOD is saying” Ears! Eyeballs!”

The apostle Paul reminds us in Hebrews 12  to “strip off every weight that slows us down and to run with endurance the race GOD marked out for us. We do this by fixing our eyes on the Pioneer and Perfecter of faith—JESUS!

Change your focus and watch how He changes your life.

I mentioned that while running, I’ve fallen quite a bit. It’s happened when I tripped because I didn’t see something ahead, when I kept running despite being worn out or when I’ve been distracted and looking at the wrong thing. 

Likewise, we fall down in life when we focus on the wrong thing. We stumble when we take our eyes off of GOD and instead look at reality versus truth. 

Where are your eyes today? CLICK!

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Ready Set Go! How To Run This Race Called Life

How many of us have said this year will be different? My prayer is that it really will be. God designed us with a specific purpose. And the life He's given us is meant to be lived pursuing that purpose. Not looking back or standing stagnant, but relentlessly going after Him with passion and expectation. My prayer is that this devotional aids you in that pursuit. Ok, Ready, Set GO!
