Mattha 21
Tha croods walcum Jesus tae Jerusalem
1Whaniver the' wur nearhan Jerusalem an the' cum tae Bethphage on tha Moont o Olives, Jesus sent oot twa follaers, 2an he saed tae thaim, “Gae tae tha clachan fornent ye, an at yinst ye'll fin a cuddie tethèrt thair, wi hir cowlt alangside o hir. Lowse tha raip, an brïng thaim tae me. 3If oniebodie says ocht tae ye, tell hïm ‘tha Loard haes need o thaim’, an he'll senn thaim richt awa.” 4Thïs cum aboot fer tae fülfill whut wus spauk throu tha proaphit:
5“Say tae tha dochtèr o Zion,
‘Luk see, yer kïng ïs on hïs wye tae ye,
gentle an ridin on a cuddie,
on a cowlt, tha foal o a cuddie.’ ”
6Tha follaers gan awa an daen as the' wur bïd. 7The' brocht tha cuddie an tha cowlt, an the' püt thair claes on thaim fer Jesus tae sït on. 8An thair wus a hale thrang o fowk gethert, tha maist o thaim spreedin thair claes on tha róad, while ithers sneddit brenches aff tha trees, an the' strewed thaim on tha pad fer hïm tae ride ower. 9Tha croods that gan aheid o hïm an thaim that follaed behin cryed oot, “Hosanna tae tha Sinn o Davit!” “Blisst be tha Yin that cums ïn tha name o tha Loard!” “Hosanna ïn tha heichest heiven!” 10Whaniver Jesus went ïntae Jerusalem, tha hale cïtie wus ïn a stïr an the' axt, “Wha wud thïs man be?” 11An tha croods saed bak tae thaim, “Thïs ïs Jesus, tha proaphit frae Nazareth ïn Galilee.”
Reddin oot tha dailers
12Jesus went ïntae tha Hoose o God an driv oot aa tha dailers that wus buyin an sellin ïn tha coortyaird. He coupt tha tables o tha siller changers an whammelt tha saits o thaim that wus sellin doos. 13“It ïs writ doon,” he saed tae thaim, “that ‘ma hoose wull be caad a hoose o prayer’, but yous ir turnin ït ïntae a den o robbers!”
14Tha blin an tha lameters cum tae hïm thair ïn tha Hoose o God, an he made thaim bettèr. 15But whaniver tha heid preeshts an tha maistèrs o tha Laa saen tha wunnèrfu thïngs he daen, an heerd tha verie weans creein oot ïn tha Temple gruns, “Hosanna tae tha Sinn o Davit!” - weel, the' got wile ang'rie. 16“Dae ye hear whut these weans ir sayin?” the' axt Jesus. “Ay,” he reponed, “hae yis niver read whut tha Scrïptures say,
‘Frae oot o tha mooth o childèr an weans
ye hae brocht wurds o praise’?” 17An Jesus left thaim an he gaed awa oot o tha cïtie tae Bethanie, whar he stapt fer tha nicht.
Tha fïg tree wi nae fruit
18At tha scraich o day, as he wus on hïs wye bak tae tha cïtie, he wus hung'rie. 19An seein a fïg tree bi tha róad, he gaed up tae ït but fun naethin on ït apairt frae leafs. Then he saed tae ït, “May ye niver bair fruit agane!” An at yinst tha tree wuthert up. 20An whaniver hïs follaers saen thïs, the' wur dumfoonèrt. “Hoo dïd tha fïg tree weezen up an dee sae quïck?” the' axt. 21Jesus saed, “A tell ye tha truith, ïf ye hae faith an ye dïnnae doot, no alane can ye dae whut wus daen tae thon fïg tree, but ye cud even say tae thïs muntin, ‘Be shïftit frae whar ye ir, an cast yersel ïntae tha sea!’ an ït'll be daen. 22If ye believe, God wull gie ye whut ye ax fer ïn prayer.”
Whar dïd tha thortie o Jesus cum frae?
23Jesus went bak ïntae tha Temple gruns, an while he wus taichin, tha heid preeshts an tha Jewish eldèrs cum up tae hïm. “Bi whut thortie ir ye daein these thïngs?” the' axt. “An wha gien ye tha thortie?” 24Jesus saed, “A want tae ax ye yin question. If ye gie me an answer, then A'll tell ye bi whut thortie A dae these thïngs. 25Jhone's baptisin - whar dïd ït cum frae? Wus ït frae heiven, or wus ït jist a notion o man?” The' stairtit tae taak aboot ït amang thairsels an the' saed, “If we say, ‘Frae heiven,’ he'll ax iz, ‘Sae hoo cum yis dïdnae believe hïm?’ 26But ïf we say, ‘Frae men,’ then we hae tha fowk tae reckon wi, fer the' aa houl that Jhone wus a proaphit.” 27Sae the' saed bak tae Jesus, “We cannae tell.” An Jesus saed, “Then A'll no be tellin yis ether bi whut thortie A dae these thïngs!”
Tha parable o tha twa sinns
28“Whut dae ye thïnk aboot thïs? Thair wus a man that haed twa sinns. He gaed tae tha furst yin an saed, ‘Sinn, aff ye gang an wark theday ïn tha vineyaird.’ 29‘A wull not,’ he saed, but latèr on he renaiged, an he dïd go. 30Then tha faither gaed tae tha ither sinn an he saed tha same tae hïm. An he saed bak, ‘A wull, sïr,’ but he niver went. 31Noo whutch yin o tha twa daen whut hïs faither wantit?” “Tha furst yin,” the' saed. Jesus reponed, “A tell ye tha truith, tex men an weemen wi a baad name aboot tha toon wull get ïntae tha Kïngdom o God aheid o ye. 32Fer Jhone cum fer tae show ye tha wye o righteousness, an ye dïdnae believe hïm, but tha tex men an tha weemen wi a baad name, they dïd. An even eftèr ye saa thïs, ye dïdnae repent an believe hïm.
Tha parable o tha wïckit fairmers
33Lïsten tae anither parable. Thair wus thïs lanlaird that plantit a vineyaird. He fenced ït aa roon, he dug a winepress ïn ït an bigged a luk-oot tooer. Then he set tha vineyaird tae a wheen o tenant-fairmers tae rin, an gan awa on a thrip tae anither kintrie. 34An whaniver ït wus hairvest time, he sent hïs sarvints tae tha fairmers fer tae collect tha fruit. 35Tha fairmers tuk houl o hïs sarvints; the' bate yin o thaim, the' püt anither tae deith, an the' staned a thurd. 36Then he sent ither sarvints tae thaim, mair ner he sent tha furst time, an tha fairmers traitit thaim aa tha same wye. 37Last o aa, he sent hïs ain sinn tae thaim. ‘He's ma ain sinn, shairlie the'll hae regaird fer hïm!’ he saed. 38But whaniver tha tenant-fairmers saa tha sinn, the' saed tae yin anither, ‘Thïs ïs tha boy wull tak ower whan hïs da dees. Cum on noo, an we'll dae hïm ïn, an whutiver hïs da wus fer leain hïm wull cum tae us!’ 39Sae the' tuk houl o hïm an throwed hïm oot o tha vineyaird an püt hïm tae deith.”
40“Weel noo,” saed Jesus, “whaniver tha laird o tha vineyaird cums, whut wull he dae tae thaim fairmers?”
41“He wull brïng thaim wïckit fairmers tae a tarrible enn,” the' answert, “an he'll set tha vineyaird tae ithers, that wull gie hïm hïs share o tha crap at hairvest time.”
42Jesus axt thaim, “Hae yis niver read ïn tha Scrïptures:
‘Tha verie stane tha masons turnt doon
ïs noo tha coarner stane.
Tha Loard hissel haes wrocht thïs,
An a wunnèrfu sicht ït ïs!’
43Sae A tell ye that tha Kïngdom o God wull be tuk awa frae ye an be gien tae a nation that wull produce tha fruit ït shud. 44[Hïm that faas ower thïs stane wull be smesht tae bïts, an whaiver ït faas on wull be grun tae poodèr.]”
45Whan tha heid preeshts an tha Pharisees heerd Jesus' parables, the' knowed richtlie he wus gettin at thaim. 46The' lukt fer a wye tae hae hïm arrestit, but the' wur feart o tha thrang, acause tha fowk tuk hïm fer a proaphit.
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Mattha 21: USNT

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