Mattha 12

Loard o tha Sabbath
1At that time Jesus gaed throu tha coarnfiels on tha Sabbath day. Hïs follaers wur hung'rie got, an the' begun tae pluck tha heids aff tha coarn an the' et thaim. 2Whaniver tha Pharisees saen thïs, the' saed tae hïm, “Luk! Yer follaers ir daein whut's agin tha Laa on tha Sabbath day!” 3He saed bak tae thaim, “Hae ye no read whut Davit daen whaniver hïm an hïs freens wus hung'rie? 4He gaed ïntae tha Hoose o God, an hïm an hïs freens et tha halie showbreid. An thair wus naebodie barrin tha preeshts allooed tae dae thïs. 5Or hae ye no read ïn tha Laa that tha preeshts ïn tha Hoose o God ir allooed tae wark on tha Sabbath Day, an yit the'ir no hel tae accoont fer brekkin tha Laa? 6A tell ye, we'r taakin aboot sumthin mair impoartin ner tha Hoose o God here. 7Tha Scrïpture says: ‘It's mercie A'm eftèr, A'm no eftèr secryfice’, an ïf ye haed unnèrstud tha mainin o these wurds, ye wudnae hae saed that ma follaers wus sïnners whan the' ir no! 8Fer tha Sinn o Man ïs Loard o tha Sabbath anaa.”
Jesus hails on tha Sabbath day
9Jesus gaed on frae that place, an he gaed ïntae thair Meetin Hoose. 10An thair wus a man thair an hïs richt han wus wuthert. Lukkin tae hae sumthin agin Jesus, tha Pharisees axt hïm, “Ir ye allooed tae hail on tha Sabbath day?” 11Jesus saed bak tae thaim, “If onie o yis haes a sheep an ït faas ïntae a sheuch on tha Sabbath, wud ye no tak houl o ït an pu ït oot? 12Is a man no warth faur mair ner a sheep? Ay, sae ït's aa richt tae dae guid on tha Sabbath day!” 13Wi that, he saed tae tha man, “Streetch oot yer han.” Sae he streetcht ït oot an ït wus aa hailt, an jist as guid as tha ither yin. 14But tha Pharisees gaed oot an the' collogued thegither hoo the' cud dae awa wi Jesus.
Tha Han-waaled sarvint
15Jesus, knowin thïs, left that place. An a wile thrang o fowk follaed hïm, an he made aa thair seeck fowk bettèr, 16an he gien thaim a warnin no tae tell oniebodie wha he wus. 17Thïs wus tae fülfill whut wus spauk aboot hïm throu tha proaphit Isaiah:
18“Here ïs ma sarvint, ma Han-waaled Yin;
he's tha yin A love, he's tha yin A'm weel plaised wi;
A'll pit ma Spïrit on hïm,
an he'll tell oot justice tae tha nations.
19He'll no cum argyin or cryin oot;
nether wull he rise hïs voice ïn tha raas.
20A bent reed he'll no brek aff,
an he'll no snuff oot a smoldèrin wïck,
til he leads justice on tae vïctrie.
21In hïs name tha nations wull pit thair trust.”
Jesus an Beelzebul
22Then the' brocht hïm a man bothert wi ïll spïrits. He wus blin an dum, an Jesus made hïm bettèr, sae he cud baith taak an see. 23Aa tha fowk wur thunnèrstruck an the' saed, “Cud thïs be tha Sinn o Davit?” 24But whaniver tha Pharisees heerd thïs, the' saed, “It ïs onlie bi Beelzebul, tha heidyin o tha ïll spïrits, that thïs fella casts oot ïll spïrits.” 25Knowin thair thochts Jesus saed tae thaim, “Iverie kïngdom divïd agin ïtsel wull gae tae reck an ruin, an iverie cïtie or hoose divïd agin ïtsel wull no stan. 26An ïf Satan casts oot Satan, he ïs divïd agin hissel, an hoo then cud hïs kïngdom stan? 27An ïf A cast oot ïll spïrits bi tha pooer o Beelzebul, bi whut pooer then daes yer ain fowk cast thaim oot? Sae let thaim be tha yins tae judge ye fer whut ye hae saed. 28But ïf A cast oot ïll spïrits bi tha Spïrit o God, ït proves that tha Kïngdom o God ïs here amang ye. 29Or agane, hoo can oniebodie git ïntae a strang man's hoose an cairrie aff hïs belangins, less he furst tyes up tha strang man? Eftèr that, he can plunner awa! 30Hïm that ïs no for me ïs agin me, an hïm that ïsnae giein me a han tae gether ïn, he micht as weel be scattèrin. 31An sae A tell ye, men wull be forgien iverie sïn an blesphemie, but tha blesphemie agin tha Spïrit wull no be forgien. 32Oniebodie that spakes a wurd agin tha Sinn o Man wull be forgien, but oniebodie that spakes agin tha Halie Spïrit wull no be forgien, nether ïn thïs age ner ïn tha age tae cum.
33Ye can tell a tree bi its fruit. Gin tha tree's guid, ïts fruit wull be guid; gin ït's baad ïts fruit wull be baad. 34Ye sleekit shooer o vipers, hoo can ye say ocht that's guid whan ye'r wïckit yersels? Fer whut's ïn yer hairt wull cum oot o yer mooth. 35A guid man brïngs guid thïngs oot o tha guidness stored ïn hïs hairt; a wïckit man brïngs wïckit thïngs oot o hïs store o wïckitness. 36But A tell ye, on tha Day o Reckonin men wull hae tae mak answer fer iverie careless wurd the' hae spauk. 37Fer bi yer wurds ye'll be judged no guiltie, an bi yer wurds ye'll be condemned.”
Tha sign o Jonah
38Then some o tha Pharisees an maistèrs o tha Laa saed tae hïm, “Maistèr, we want a mïraclis sign frae ye!” 39He saed bak tae thaim, “It's onlie a wïckit an adultèrous genèration wud luk fer a mïraclis sign! But thair'll be nane gien apairt frae tha sign o tha proaphit Jonah. 40Fer jist as Jonah wus thrie days an thrie nichts ïn tha belly o a bïg fïsh, ïn tha same wye tha Sinn o Man wull be thrie days an thrie nichts ïn tha hairt o tha irth. 41Tha men o Nineveh wull stan up at tha Day o Reckonin wi thïs genèration an the'll condemn ït; fer they repentit whaniver Jonah praicht tae thaim, an yit tha yin that's here noo ïs mair ner onie Jonah. 42Tha Queen o tha Sooth wull stan up wi thïs genèration tae be judged as weel on that Day, an she wull condemn ït; fer she cum frae tha enns o tha irth fer tae lïsten tae Solomon's wusdom, an noo yin abain Solomon ïs here, an yis ir no lïstenin!
43Whan an ïll spïrit cums oot o a man, ït raiks throu tha desert lukkin fer rest. But ït fins nane. 44Then ït says, ‘A'll jist gae bak tae whar A wus leevin afore.’ Whaniver ït gaes bak, ït fins tha hoose empie, swep clain an aa redd up. 45Then ït gangs an taks wi ït seiven ither spïrits mair wïckit ner ïtsel, an the' aa gae ïn an the' settle thair. An that man enns up faur waur ner he wus afore. That's tha wye ït'll be wi thïs wïckit genèration.”
Tha true femlie o Jesus
46While Jesus wus still taakin tae tha thrang, hïs mither an hïs brithers stud ootbye, lukkin tae spake tae hïm. 47Summodie toul hïm, “Yer mither an yer brithers ir waitin ootbye, lukkin tae spake tae ye.” 48But Jesus cum bak wi thïs, “Wha ïs ma mither, an wha ir ma brithers?” 49Pointin tae hïs follaers, he saed, “Luk, thair's ma mither an ma brithers! 50Fer thaim at daes tha wull o ma Faither ïn heiven ïs ma brither an ma sïstèr an ma mither!”

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Mattha 12: USNT





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