Jhone 1
Richt at tha stairt, ye haed tha Wurd
1Richt at tha stairt, ye haed tha Wurd. Tha Wurd wus thair alang wi God, an tha Wurd wus God. 2He wus thair alang wi God richt frae tha stairt. 3Iverie last thïng wus made throu hïm; athoot hïm, naethin ava wus iver made. 4In hïm wus life, an thïs life wus tha licht o mankine. 5Tha licht beams ïn tha mirk, but tha mirk cannae pit ït oot.
6Thair wus thïs man sent oot frae God bi tha name o Jhone. 7An he cum fer tae be a wutness tae tha licht, sae that acause o hïm aa fowk micht believe. 8Noo he wusnae thon licht hissel, but he cum fer tae be a wutness tae tha licht.
9Tha true licht, hïm that gies licht tae iverie man, wus cumin ïntae tha warl. 10He wus ïn tha warl, but tha mair ït wus o hïs makkin, tha warl dïdnae ken wha he wus. 11He cum tae hïs ain lan, but hïs ain fowk wantit naethin tae dae wi hïm. 12Yit tae aa thaim that dïd tak hïm ïn, an trustit on hïs name, he gien thaim tha richt tae be makkit childèr o God; 13Childèr, that wus no boarn bi tha wye o nature, ner bi tha wull o flesh an bluid, ner bi tha notion a husban micht hae. Na, but childèr that wus boarn o God.
14Tha Wurd cum tae be flesh an bluid an leeved amang iz. We hae saa hïs glorie, tha glorie o tha Yin an Ainlie that cum frae tha Faither, fu o grace an truith. 15Jhone gien wutness o hïm. He caad oot, cryin, “Thon's hïm A wus taakin aboot whaniver A saed, ‘Hïm that cums eftèr me ïs abain me, fer he wus thair afore iver A wus boarn.’ ” 16Oot o tha fu guidness o hïs hairt we hae aa got yin blissin on tap o anither. 17Tha mair tha Laa wus gien throu Moses, grace an truith cum throu Jesus Christ. 18Naebodie haes iver saen God; ït ïs God's yae Sinn, wha bides ïn tha hairt o tha Faither, that haes showed hïm tae fowk.
A'm no tha Messiah, says Jhone
19-20Noo, tha day tha Jews sent preeshts an Levites frae Jerusalem tae ax Jhone wha he wus, here ïs whut he saed tae thaim. He wus aye apen aboot ït, an toul thaim strecht, “A'm no tha Christ.” 21Sae the' axt hïm, “Wha ir ye then? Wud ye be Elijah?” “Na, A'm no,” qo he. “Ir ye tha Proaphit we ir waitin on?” “Na,” saed he. 22At tha enn o ït the' speered, “Wha ir ye? Gie iz yer answer tae tak bak tae thaim that sent iz. Whut hae ye tae say fer yersel?” 23Jhone answert wi tha wurds o Isaiah tha proaphit,
“A'm tha voice o yin caain oot ïn tha wiles,
‘Mak tha róad readie fer tha Loard cumin.’ ”
24Noo, some Pharisees that haed bin sent speered hïm mair, 25“Gin ye'r no tha Christ, ner Elijah, ner tha Proaphit, hoo cum ye'r baptisin fowk then?” 26“A baptise wi wattèr,” Jhone answert, “but thair's yin stud amang ye that yis dïnnae know. 27Hïm that cums alang eftèr me, he's tha yin. An A'm no fït tae lowse hïs buits fer hïm.” 28Noo thïs aa cum aboot at Bethanie on tha faur side o tha Joardan, whar Jhone wus baptisin.
Jhone gies wutness aboot Jesus
29Tha nixt day Jhone saa Jesus cumin up tae hïm an saed, “Luk an behoul, tha Lamb o God that taks awa tha sïn o tha warl! 30Thon's tha man A wus taakin aboot whaniver A saed, ‘Thair's a man cumin eftèr me that's o heicher stannin ner me, fer he wus thair afore iver A wus boarn.’ 31A dïdnae unnèrstan masel wha he wus, but ït wus tae mak him kent tae Israel that A cum baptisin wi wattèr.” 32Then Jhone gien thïs accoont: “A saa tha Spïrit cum doon frae heiven laik a doo an bide on hïm. 33A wudnae a knowed hïm, but tha yin that sent me fer tae baptise wi wattèr toul me, ‘Whan ye see tha Spïrit cum doon an bide on a man, ït's hïm that wull baptise wi tha Halie Spïrit.’ 34A hae saa ït fer masel an A'm wutness tae ït. Thon man daes be tha Sinn o God.”
Jhone's men lea hïm tae follae Jesus
35Tha nixt day Jhone wus bak thonner wi twa o hïs ain follaers. 36Whaniver he saa Jesus slippin bye, he saed, “Luk, thon's tha Lamb o God!” 37Whaniver tha twa follaers heerd hïm say thïs, the' turnt an went eftèr Jesus. 38Lukkin roon, Jesus saa thaim cumin eftèr hïm an axt, “Whut dae yis want?” “Rabbi” the' saed ('Rabbi' stans fer ‘Dominie’), “whar ir ye stappin thenicht?” 39“Cum on an see,” he answert. Sae the' went an saa whar he wus stappin, an the' passt tha rest o tha day wi hïm, fer ït wus aboot fower ïn tha eftèrnuin. 40Andra, Simon Petèr's brither, wus yin o tha twa that went eftèr Jesus whaniver the' heerd whut Jhone haed saed. 41Tha furst thïng Andra daen wus tae fin hïs brither Simon an tell hïm, “We hae fun tha Messiah!” (mainin, tha Christ). 42An he brocht hïm tae Jesus. Jesus tuk a guid luk at hïm an he saed, “Sae ye ir Simon, Jhone's sinn. Ye'll noo be caad Cephas.” (Cephas stans fer Petèr, mainin ‘a roak’.)
43Tha nixt day Jesus made up hïs mine tae heid fer Galilee. He fun Phïlip an saed tae hïm, “Follae me.” 44Noo Phïlip cum frae Bethsaida, tha same toon as Andra an Petèr. 45Phïlip fun Thannie an toul hïm, “We hae fun tha yin Moses writ aboot ïn tha Laa, hïm that tha proaphits writ aboot forbye - Jesus o Nazareth, tha sinn o Joseph.” 46“Nazareth! Cud ye iver see ocht guid cumin oot o thonner?” Thannie axt. “Cum an see fer yersel,” saed Phïlip. 47Whan Jesus saa Thannie cumin, he saed thïs aboot hïm: “Noo thair's a guid Israelite; thair's naethin fauss aboot hïm!” 48“Hoo ïs ït ye ken me?” Thannie axt. Jesus answert, “A saa ye whaniver ye wur still unnèr tha fïg tree, afore Phïlip caad ye.” 49Wi that Thannie declared, “Rabbi, you ir tha Sinn o God, sae ye ir. Tha Kïng o Israel!” 50Jesus saed, “You lippen jist wi me tellin ye A saa ye unnèr tha fïg tree? Weel, ye'll see ower mair ner that.” 51An then he addit, “A'm tellin yis tha truith, thair's a day cumin whaniver ye'll see heiven apen up, an tha angels o God gaun up an cumin doon on tha Sinn o Man.”
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Jhone 1: USNT

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