Proverbs 8

tune: Kilmarnock, 75.
Prov 8:22, to the end.
22-36 Keep silence, all ye sons of men,
and hear with rev’rence due;
Eternal Wisdom from above
thus lifts her voice to you:
2 I was th’ Almighty’s chief delight
from everlasting days,
Ere yet his arm was stretched forth
the heav’ns and earth to raise.
3 Before the sea began to flow,
and leave the solid land,
Before the hills and mountains rose,
I dwelt at his right hand.
4 When first he rear’d the arch of heav’n,
and spread the clouds on air,
When first the fountains of the deep
he open’d, I was there.
5 There I was with him, when he stretch’d
his compass o’er the deep,
And charg’d the ocean’s swelling waves
within their bounds to keep.
6 With joy I saw th’ abode prepar’d
which men were soon to fill:
Them from the first of days I lov’d,
unchang’d, I love them still.
7 Now therefore hearken to my words,
ye children, and be wise:
Happy the man that keeps my ways;
the man that shuns them dies.
8 Where dubious paths perplex the mind,
direction I afford;
Life shall be his that follows me,
and favour from the Lord.
9 But he who scorns my sacred laws
shall deeply wound his heart,
He courts destruction who contemns
the counsel I impart.

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Proverbs 8: MP1781





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