Isaiah 40
tune: Durham, 54; St. Stephen, 118.
Isaiah 40:27, to the end.
27-31 Why pour’st thou forth thine anxious plaint,
despairing of relief,
As if the Lord o’erlook’d thy cause,
and did not heed thy grief?
2 Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard,
that firm remains on high
The everlasting throne of Him
who form’d the earth and sky?
3 Art thou afraid his pow’r shall fail
when comes thy evil day?
And can an all‐creating arm
grow weary or decay?
4 Supreme in wisdom as in pow’r
the Rock of ages stands;
Though him thou canst not see, nor trace
the working of his hands.
5 He gives the conquest to the weak,
supports the fainting heart;
And courage in the evil hour
his heav’nly aids impart.
6 Mere human pow’r shall fast decay,
and youthful vigour cease;
But they who wait upon the Lord,
in strength shall still increase.
7 They with unweary’d feet shall tread
the path of life divine;
With growing ardour onward move,
with growing brightness shine.
8 On eagles’ wings they mount, they soar,
their wings are faith and love,
Till, past the cloudy regions here,
they rise to heav’n above.
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Isaiah 40: MP1781

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First published by the Church of Scotland in 1781.