Matthew 10
Apostel Kowe Seg Mo Rumal
(Mark 3:13–19; Luke 6:12–16)
1Jesus ye fesangu fengalir Apostel kowe seg mo rumal yesa fang kkeler, bo be yoh le rebe hachuchuy moniyan mo pangal metmetal maes mo tomay mo uwor yarmat. 2Ika meka ider Apostel kowe seg mo rumal: yeramtala metamo ila Simon (le rema ffesangu ngali bo Pedrus) mo Andrew we bisil; James mo Johannes we bisil, le lol Zebedee; 3Philip mo Bartholomew; Thomas mo Matthew, we ma hattey paliyel raeg; James le lol Alphaeus, mo Thaddaeus; 4Mo Simon we ye hachangi molwe faluyal, mo Judas Iscariot, we ye yichinngewa Jesus.
Jesus Ye Hagloyur Loh Chowe Seg Mo Rumal
(Mark 6:7–13; Luke 9:1–6)
5Jesus ye hagloyur loh chowe seg mo rumal le ika meka ye kangalur: “Ha towe loh irel mekla faluyer Gentiles hare mekla haplomor yarmetal Samaria. 6Ha roloh irer yarmetal Israel kala resa mwael loh le resa wochog saaf kowe re tay gola lobosle rebe loh iyang. 7Ha loh ha bela foloy le habe sor bo, ‘Mala Lamliyel Laeng ila sa harep!’#10:7–15; Lk 10:4–12 8Ha hachuya yar yarmat tomay, ngo hasa hamolowa tefaelir chomes, ha hachuya metmetal meskala ye mel uwol yarmat, ngo ha hachuchuy moniyan. Yor mele yesa yoh ngalugmi le tor paliyal, ila habe fang le towe yor palimi. 9Ha towe kak hoal, silver, hare kobra checha lal hagechel mengagmi; 10ha towe kak tutuwel dodongor irel maleka la yami hare liwilil mekla mengagmi hare yami bwela hare sohmi. Semal chol yengang ngo faesul tugul le rebe ngaley mekla yebe teptap.#1 Co 9:14; 1 Ti 5:18
11“Ha bela budoh irel sew haplom le ye palleng hare sew haplom le ye wechich, ngo hasa loh ha bela meri semal le be mechal bo habe paoy irel, iwe ngo hasa paoy chog irel yee, hala chuy mo wol haplom we. 12Ha bela bulong lal sew imw ngo hasa kangalur chol imw we bo, ‘Hopos be mel iremi.’ 13Hare chol imw we re dipli molwe hasa budoh irer, ngo hasa ligdi habong we hasa sor bo be mel irer; ngo hare rete dipli molwe hasa budoh irer, ngo hasa hasi tefali habongol hopos we yami. 14Iwe ngo hare yor tot bugat hare haplom le rete dipli molwe hasa budoh irer, hare rete talenga yalomi, ila ngo hasa ligdi lobowe ngo hasa yuchgaloh boll mo irel mekla pechemi.#Ac 13:51 15Ibe hatugulu ngalugmi le yodla Rael Tatelal Hapatpat, iwe ngo Deus yebe kawraloh le ye kkel tot yal fahor yarmetal Sodom mo Gomorrah mo imor chol haplom la!#Mt 11:24; Gn 19:24–28
Hafohoy Kala Bele Budoh
(Mark 13:9–13; Luke 21:12–17)
16“Ha talenga! Ibele hagloyugmiloh le bele wochog bo siya fangloh tot saaf luwulur sew pulgul wolves. Habe hamarhahmi le be wochog parchoyoh, ngo ha hamaluluyahmi le be wochog doves kowe.#Lk 10:3 17Ha llugu dipmi, bo yor yarmat le rebe ddorfugumi resa hasugmiloh irel imwel tatelal hapatpat, ngo rebe wwodugmi mo lal imwel ttey kowe.#10:17–20; Mk 13:9–11; Lk 12:11–12; 21:12–15 18Fael ngang mele rebe hasugmiloh irel tatelal hapatpat mo fael meter tamol mo king bo habe kapta Hapatpat Momay we ngalir mo ngalir Gentiles. 19Yodla rebe hasugmiloh irel tatelal hapatpat, ngo ha towe merhagili mele habe sor mo wululul yami be sor; bela hola yodla ngo Espritu Santus la yael mala Tammi ye bele kangalugmi mele habe sor. 20Iwe ngo mekla ha bela kapta ila te yalomi, bo yebe budoh mo irel Espritu Santus la yael mala Tammi le iy mele be fang yami luluwal irel mekla habe kapta.
21“Yarmat re bele fangloh mekla spegil bisir bo rebe llimeserloh, ngo temer yalwich, ila bele wol ila sengal mala rebe faor ngal layur. Yalwich ila re bele tagul ngal mokwe wulutugur resa fangloh ir bo rebe llimeserloh.#Mk 13:12; Lk 21:16 22Pangal yarmat ngo re bele hafobdurugmi le fael ngang. Iwe ngo te tugul semal le yebe yedamgel yee, siyal yal mes ngo be daor.#Mt 24:9; Mk 13:13; Lk 21:17; Mt 24:13; Mk 13:13 23Yodla re bela hafohoyugmi mo irel sew haplom, ngo hasa ddar habe loh irel haplom la sew. Ibe hatugulu ngalugmi le towe pagel moll yengang kala yami mo wol pangal haplomol Israel ngo sa budoh mala Layur Retalop.
24“Tor semal yalwichil skun le ye tagiyet mo imol yal sensey; ngo tor semal slave le ye tagiyet mo imol yal masta.#Lk 6:40; Jn 13:16; 15:20 25Ila, semal yalwichil skun ila ye tugul le be fel lal depal hare bela mel le be tappel sensey la yal, ngo semal slave ila be fel lal depal le hare be tappili masta la yal. Hare rebe ffesangu temal sew haleng bo Beelzebul, ila ngo panger chol haleng we ngo re bele ffesangu ngalir tot yid le ye kkel tot yal taiykof!#Mt 9:34; 12:24; Mk 3:22; Lk 11:15
Itey Le Sibe Metagu
(Luke 12:2–7)
26“Ila ha towe metagur yarmat. Te tugul mele ye mwol ngo be llah, ngo pangal meka ye mwol ngo yarmat rebe gola.#Mk 4:22; Lk 8:17 27Mele ikekangalugmi luwul rochupung habe tefael ngali habe kapta lal werloh, ngo meka hasa rongrong le ted yor le ye gola ila ha bela kapta fadaley. 28Ha towe metagur rechokla be yoh le rebe llimeseloh mekla holongmi, ngo towe yoh le rebe lliy mekla ngulmi; habe far metagu Deus bo iy mele be yoh le yebe llimesehmiloh, ngo ye lliy mekla ngulmi mo lal Infiyerno. 29Be sefaes chog kobre checha ngo be yoh le habe chuwayi ngal rumal sparrow. Iwe ngo tor semal mael ka le be ppungdiy wototol le mala Tammi yebe togla. 30Iwe ngo hami ila mekla mo yall chimmi ngo sa mol irel papa. 31Ila ha towe motog bo ye palleng palami mo imor sparrow ka.
Yach Chepar Mo Yach Te Chepar Irel Kristus
(Luke 12:8–9)
32“Te tugul semal le be kapta fedaley luwul yarmat le iy choluway, ngo be wol ila sengal yai be kapta le iy choluway mo fael metal mala Temay wol laeng. 33Iwe ngo te tugul semal le be kapta fadaley luwul yarmat le te iy choluway, ngo be wol ila sengal yai be kapta le te iy choluway mo fael metal mala Temay woal laeng.#2 Ti 2:12
Te Hopos, Bo Seyay Sayden
(Luke 12:51–53; 14:26–27)
34“Ha towe luluwaley le isa budoh bo iy be hasidoh hopos lal faileng le. Yeb, ite budoh bo ibe hasidoh hopos bo seyay sayden mele ihasidoh. 35Isa budoh bo ibe foru yalwich tarmal bo rebe tagul tang temer, ngo wol ila senger yalwich fefel bo rebe tagul tang seler, ngo fefel kala yor rir rebe tagul tang sil mekla rir;#10:35–36; Mic 7:6 36Semal ngo far chol family la yal mele be kkel yal hattohar ngali.
37“Iwe ngo te tugul semal le ye hachangi temal hare sil, mo imoy ila ye tafel le be mel bo re dabeyey. Iwe ngo te tugul semal le ye hachengi lol tarmal hare tarfefel mo imoy ila ye wol tafel le be mel bo re dabeyey. 38Semal le yebe te hasi yal krud sa dabeyey, ngo ye tafel le be mel bo re dabeyey.#Mt 16:24; Mk 8:34; Lk 9:23 39Semal le molwal chog llufulyal mele ye yedamgili, ila ngo be far ppung tangi molow la yal, iwe ngo semal le yebe fangloh yal nngas bo yagliyey ila be yoh ngali molow.#Mt 16:25; Mk 8:35; Lk 9:24; 17:33; Jn 12:25
Payel Hachigchig
(Mark 9:41)
40“Semal le be hakkola ngalugmi, ila ngo ye wol hakkola ngalyey, ngo semal le yebe hakkola ngalyey, ngo ye hakkola ngal yeramtala ye fangdoh ngang.#Lk 10:16; Jn 13:20; Mk 9:37; Lk 9:48 41Semal le yebe hakkola ngal semal profeta bo fael mala semal profeta molwe, ngo be wol yoh ngali payel hachigchig la yar profeta. Ngo semal le ye hakkola ngal semal yarmat le ye momay bo fal mala ye momay yeramtawe, ngo yebe wol yoh ngali payel hachigchig la yar rechokla re momay. 42Be tugul lal dipmi, le semal le yebe holu chael semal rechoka ye hartal totol mo luwulur meka choluway bo fael mala iy semal choluway, ila ye tugul bo yor yal payel hachigchig le be yoh ngali.”
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