Isaiah 29:13-16

Isaiah 29:13-16 TPT

This is what the Lord says about these people: “They come near to me with hollow words and honor me superficially with their lips; all the while their hearts run far away from me! Their worship is nothing more than man-made rules. So therefore, I will again jolt this people awake with astonishing wonders upon wonders! And the wisdom of their wise ones will fail, and the intelligent know-it-alls will have no explanations. Woe to you who think you can hide your plan from the Lord YAHWEH. Ha! Do you actually think your secret schemes are so hidden that you say, ‘Who sees us doing this? No one knows what we’re doing!’ Oh, how great is your perversion! Who is more intelligent—the potter or the clay? Should a created thing say to its creator, ‘You didn’t make me’? Should a clay pot say to the potter, ‘You don’t understand’?”