Job 33:1-11
Job 33:1-11 AMP
“However, Job, please listen to my words, And pay attention to everything I say. “Behold, I have opened my mouth [to begin my speech]; My tongue in my mouth is going to speak. “My words will express the uprightness of my heart, And my lips will speak what they know with utter sincerity. “The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life [which inspires me]. “Answer me, if you can; Set yourselves before me, take your stand. “Behold, I belong to God like you; I too was formed out of the clay. “Behold, I will not make you afraid or terrified of me [for I am only mortal and not God], Nor should any pressure from me weigh heavily upon you. ¶“Surely you have spoken in my hearing, And I have heard the sound of your words, saying: ‘I am pure, without transgression; I am innocent and there is no guilt in me. ‘Behold, God finds pretexts against me; He counts me as His enemy. ‘He puts my feet in the stocks [to hinder and humiliate me]; He [suspiciously] watches all my paths,’ [you say].