Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Romans 6:17

Awestruck in Wonder
3 Days
As God’s people, we seem unable to keep our eyes focused on God and our hearts aligned with His. We need to rightly see who God is, and discern what He wants. Then, we will respond to Him in awe and wonder. This devotional plan will help you to consider who the Lord is, and what He desires, with reverence and holy fear

Think Like a Roman
4 Days
What do you think about sin? About salvation? About your life in Christ? In this devotional, Think Like a Roman, we are renewing our minds through the book of Romans. What we believe is essential to the way we live, to our growth, our walk with Christ, and our future in Christ. Our thoughts determine our beliefs, our beliefs determine our actions. Over the next four days, join us as we dive into our understanding of doctrine relating to sin, salvation, and freedom in Christ.

BibleProject | Understanding Sin, Iniquity, & Transgression
4 Days
BibleProject designed this plan to help individuals, families, and groups reflect on the biblical concept of sin. What is wrong, and what is right? And how does the Bible define sin? We look at three Hebrew words used for sin in the Bible and examine how sin is not only something we do but also something that happens to us—a force that we can choose to rule over.

Devotions from tobyMac - Eye On It
5 Days
In this 5-day devotional from tobyMac, you will explore the scriptures and inspiration behind the songs from the album Eye On It.

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 3)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her 7 children and lived to tell about it. Part 3 in this series of 12.

Because He Lives
5 Days
All of Christianity rests on this one single truth – Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. Because He lives, you can count yourself fully alive to God, no longer mastered by sin, but living through the power of grace.

Jesus Revealed Pt. 8 - What Do You See?
5 Days
There are different types of “seeing”. There is physical sight where we look at things and identify them; there is the “seeing” where we walk into a chaotic situation and someone says, “Do you see what’s going on here?” And from what we see we describe the scene as “chaos”. There is another level of “seeing” and Part 8 touches on this type – spiritual sight. What do you see?

Jesus Revealed Pt. 14 - It Is ALL In Jesus!
5 Days
One Size Fits All? Does it really? How can we find all of life’s answers in ONE place, let alone ONE PERSON? In Plan 14 we see Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit ARE one. They do not override each other. They do not jostle and try to take each other’s place. Together they are EVERYTHING that we need in this life and beyond.

What Makes You Happy
5 Days
Everybody is on a happiness quest. For many, happiness is measured in moments and experiences. It’s an elusive feeling that’s hard to sustain. For the next five days, let’s explore what will truly make you happy. It’s possible you don’t know…or maybe you’ve forgotten.

Be Revived
5 Days
Be healed from sin and bondage. But even more, be revived. Katie Souza delves into Scripture to uncover the true meaning of living by grace.

Rewiring Our Brains From Pornography
5 Days
It has never been more difficult to flee sexual immorality and pursue holiness. We live in an age of unprecedented access to sexual temptation. The struggle with lust is fierce battle, an enslaving addiction, and a deep brokenness. Pastor Joe Rigney shows us that through the gospel it is the Holy Spirit that gives us victory, sets us free, and heals our wounds.

Spirit, Soul & Body Part 2
5 Days
The following reading plan will take you deeper into the three concepts of Spirit, Soul, and Body at a steady pace, building on the message of Jesus' finished work. It will stretch, challenge, and grow you as his follower. Make sure to allow the Holy Spirit space to work in you and shape you. See the impact for yourself. This is the second of four plans in this series.

5 Day Porn Free Video Plan
5 Days
Shame doesn’t have to be your forever story! This 5-Day Porn Free Video Plan will empower you to walk towards freedom from pornography. You will meet four different men, just like you, who share their testimonies of brokenness to restoration. You can have this story too. This content is taken from our Proven Men Study, which has seen 5,000+ men set free.

Learning to Let Go: Finding Freedom in Surrender
5 Days
Conventional wisdom tells us that freedom means gaining control. But Biblical Wisdom tells us that there’s freedom in the most unlikely circumstances—in losing ourselves, in letting go, in following rules, in slowing down, and in serving others. How can there be freedom in those? Discover the answer here.

The Secret Power of Grace
6 Days
You messed up. Big time. It wasn’t even a “mistake.” You knew better, you made bad choices, and you know you’re guilty. Only there’s no punishment. Instead, you get complete forgiveness and a reward just because you asked for it! It’s all because of an amazing superpower called grace. It’s hard to even comprehend, but it’s very real. This Bible Plan will explain all about the secret power of grace.

Biblical Success - A Few Laps in Romans 6,7,8
6 Days
Romans 6,7,8 combined are such a compelling portion of the powerful book of Romans, describing the basis and process of learning to walk in The Spirit of Jesus that we will soak in each of them twice in this study. We will allow the Word speak for itself reading each chapter and urging reflection on the deep meaning to be drawn from each chapter.

5 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know
6 Days
When most Christians pick up a Bible, they rarely realize that they are holding a miracle between their hands. On a whim, they can open it and begin reading any chapter or verse from any book they want in their very own language. Today, it’s easier than ever to read what the Bible says. But that doesn’t mean it’s just as easy to understand.

Lord This Hurts, but You Care!
6 Days
Are you hurt by a loved one that continually breaks your heart? Are you dumbfounded at the paths they take that affect so many without considering the domino effect? This plan aims to help you understand some of the whys, help you Biblically cope, and show you how to love that loved one as Christ does. Strengthen your faith and get hope from The God who cares.

Vessel of Honor
6 Days
Everything and everyone has a Purpose in life. We are all designed to fulfill a specific function or role. This Plan assists in how to walk out your God-given design. God made you to be a vessel of honor, a vessel in His Hands to advance His Kingdom and give Him Glory. Take some time to discover what this means by embarking on this Plan.

Jesus, I Want to Love You Part 1
7 Days
What does Jesus say about love, truth, righteousness, and more? We will examine His own words in the Sermon on the Mount. This is Part One of the eight-part "Jesus, I Want to Love You" series! These plans can be done in any order. See also "Jesus, I Want to Love You" (companion prayer) by Thistlebend.

Reframe: From The God We've Made…To God With Us
7 Days
Taken from his best-selling book “Reframe,” Brian Hardin unpacks the often-overlooked core of the Gospel—a relationship with God. For many, a “personal relationship with Jesus” is nothing more than the gift we are given at the doorway of faith. We have it, but we don’t know what to do with it. Reframe helps us understand what this relationship is NOT so that we can find the breathtaking beauty of what it could be.

Amazing Grace: Every Nation Prayer & Fasting
7 Days
The amazing grace that we receive through Jesus Christ our Savior empowers us to live a Christian life in every circumstance. This plan will guide you through aspects of grace in a theological, biblical, and practical way. Because of God’s amazing grace, we are saved, and because of his amazing grace, we can walk in faithfulness and obedience to Jesus.

Joshua - Rest
7 Days
“The war is over - God has given your brothers rest.” We also have an inheritance, and the war is over. Jesus won every battle on the cross. This plan covers the central theme of Joshua - Love God and serve Him if you want to enjoy His blessings. This stand-alone plan is also part 9 of a 10 part series.

How to Deal With My Anger
7 Days
Many Christians struggle with anger. It is a dangerous, powerful, yet confusing emotion. The Bible differentiates between righteous and sinful anger. It also provides tools to overcome the latter. This devotional helps believers to understand anger, know its roots, and learn how to control it. Christians can live their lives filled with emotions that are pleasing to the Lord.