Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Romans 6:14

Learn How to Live
3 Days
Do you ever find yourself behaving like a child or struggling to show mercy to those around you? If so, then you aren’t alone, and you are in the right place. These guided biblical meditations will help you learn to live a righteous life. A life lived with grace and being mindful of your actions. A life lived in this divine moment free from distractions trying to steal your attention.

For Sin Shall Not Have Dominion Over You
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this yoke breaking devotional. When Christ is your Lord, He gives you the power to overthrow the enemy in every area of your life. When Christ lives in you, sin has to bow. When your heart is submitted to Christ, sin must flee. Surrender to Christ and let the bondage of the past go as you read this life-transforming devotional.

How You Can Overcome Temptation: Video Devotions
4 Days
In this life, temptation is unavoidable. No matter how much you love Jesus, whether you’ve been following Him for a day or a lifetime, you will face temptation. That’s just a fact. So what do we do when it comes? Join Christitanityworks’ Berni Dymet in a new video devotional series to explore what temptation is and where it comes from – and how you can overcome it.

Think Like a Roman
4 Days
What do you think about sin? About salvation? About your life in Christ? In this devotional, Think Like a Roman, we are renewing our minds through the book of Romans. What we believe is essential to the way we live, to our growth, our walk with Christ, and our future in Christ. Our thoughts determine our beliefs, our beliefs determine our actions. Over the next four days, join us as we dive into our understanding of doctrine relating to sin, salvation, and freedom in Christ.

BibleProject | Understanding Sin, Iniquity, & Transgression
4 Days
BibleProject designed this plan to help individuals, families, and groups reflect on the biblical concept of sin. What is wrong, and what is right? And how does the Bible define sin? We look at three Hebrew words used for sin in the Bible and examine how sin is not only something we do but also something that happens to us—a force that we can choose to rule over.

3 Sneaky Sins That May Be in the Way of Your Salvation
4 Days
As Christians, we accept Jesus’ death and resurrection as the first step to our salvation and then seek a new life that glorifies God and helps build His Kingdom. Often easier said than done, right? In this study, we take a look at 3 sneaky sins that seem to keep coming back. Read to see how you can ensure these are not in the way of your salvation!

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 3)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her 7 children and lived to tell about it. Part 3 in this series of 12.

Because He Lives
5 Days
All of Christianity rests on this one single truth – Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. Because He lives, you can count yourself fully alive to God, no longer mastered by sin, but living through the power of grace.

I Declare War: 4 Keys to Winning the Battle With Yourself
5 Days
Win the battle with yourself by declaring war on the version of yourself that you don't want to be. Discover the thoughts, words, behaviors, and power you need to achieve ongoing victory. It’s likely you are your own worst enemy. Learn to get out of your own way and discover the secret weapon to winning the war within.

Jesus Revealed Pt. 14 - It Is ALL In Jesus!
5 Days
One Size Fits All? Does it really? How can we find all of life’s answers in ONE place, let alone ONE PERSON? In Plan 14 we see Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit ARE one. They do not override each other. They do not jostle and try to take each other’s place. Together they are EVERYTHING that we need in this life and beyond.

How Christ Offers Freedom From Pornography
5 days
This study will look at how God leads us out of sin and towards a better life.

More God. Less Guilt.
5 Days
What if your mistakes don't shock or surprise God? What if God knows all of your flaws and still wants you in Heaven? What if instead of perfection, what God needs from you is permission to come into your life? Is the Good News really that good? Yes, it is! Discover that the Good News may be better than you think and that guilt was never part of God's plan.

Rewiring Our Brains From Pornography
5 Days
It has never been more difficult to flee sexual immorality and pursue holiness. We live in an age of unprecedented access to sexual temptation. The struggle with lust is fierce battle, an enslaving addiction, and a deep brokenness. Pastor Joe Rigney shows us that through the gospel it is the Holy Spirit that gives us victory, sets us free, and heals our wounds.

Victory at the Cross
5 Days
You sacrifice your time and energy to compete for your teams every season. The pressures of your performance feel like they're riding on your shoulders. But did you know that Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, has already sacrificed His life, risen and defeated any burden you’ll face? As you continue to compete this season, remember the Cross and that Jesus has defeated death and redeemed our sin.

Radically Restored to Oneness With God
5 Days
Discover the transformative joy that comes with rooting your identity in the solid bedrock of this powerful truth. As humans, we often fashion our lives around the flimsy groundwork of these temporary things. When we inevitably experience a disappointment or tragedy, our very identity crumbles. But as a Christian, you are called to build your identity upon one, unshakeable foundation – how Jesus sees you.

Biblical Success - Pushing Through the "Blahs"
5 Days
We will discuss the "why" and the purpose of dry times, distractions, and other "Ds" of our daily lives in Christ, their inevitability, and how we can turn them to benefit our walk with Jesus.

5 Days
Jesus came to give us life and life to the full. Join us on a journey of freedom as we uncover many common strongholds that stop us living free. Get some practical tools on how you can find your true identity in Jesus, forgive & overcome offence, break free from addiction, let go of your past and run free. You'll never be the same again!

Grace Bomb
5 Days
Grace Bombing bridges the gap and fills in the missing link by unashamedly citing Jesus as the key motivator of the goodness that is given.

Ministering to a Woman’s Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength
5 Days
How can you minister to another woman holistically - heart, soul, mind, and strength? How can you care for the emotions, motivations, desires, thoughts, and relationships with yourself and others? In this 5-Day devotional, learn how to minister to another woman in each of these areas - heart, soul, mind and strength - as an extension of loving God.

Resting in the Love of Jesus: A 5-Day Lent Devotional by Asheritah Ciuciu
5 Days
Lent is a time of solemn reflection and remembering how desperately we need Jesus. As we consider His love, Asheritah Ciuciu walks us through 5 days of slowing down and resting in the never-ending, ever-present, steady love of Jesus.

5 Days
Are you discouraged? Are the walls coming in on you? Do you feel like you are being pulverized? All of us have times when we feel like giving up, like we are going to fall into the abyss. We know this isn't true, because we are in Christ! Get Unstuck! This reading plan is the antidote to the lies that attempt to crush us.

Pride and Shame
5 Days
Watch a fiery baton twirler light up the night, and you'll see a visual of two emotions spinning within us: pride and shame. While they seem opposite, their connection can set our world ablaze. In this Bible study, we'll explore their kinship, how Jesus can extinguish these flames, and lead us towards a life worth rallying behind - a cause for celebration surpassing any homecoming weekend.

5 Reasons to Memorize Scripture (And How to Start)
5 Days
Memorizing God’s Word cultivates faithfulness and growth in our lives. We don’t memorize Scripture just so we can recite it. Rather, we hide God’s Word in our hearts so that our lives are transformed. Memorizing Scripture deepens our love for God, helps us fight sin, renews our minds, helps us endure suffering, and seasons our speech with grace and truth. Give God your mind and watch Him change your life!

Women Struggle Too
5 Days
Women struggle too. If you have been affected by pornography, lust, or other unwanted sexual behaviors, this plan is for YOU. Recovery shouldn’t be a journey you face alone... and the truth is you just can’t face it alone. This content is taken from our Proven Women Workbook Study which has seen over 1,000+ women set free and has been adapted for this application.

Weird Ideas: Crucified, Dead, and Buried
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re in Christ and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to weird ideas and alternate beliefs about reality. This series of 5-day plans uses classic Christian Creeds as a vehicle to explain the Christian worldview compared to the world’s, and help us see reality through Jesus’s eyes.