Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Philippians 3:15

Pursuing the Mind of Christ
3 Days
There are three tenets in football that drive the game: We should focus on the basics, keep our eye on the ball, and never forget it is more than just a sport. In Philippians 3, the Apostle Paul wants us to get into Jesus’ frame of mind so that we can play the field just as He did. What was in Jesus’ mind? Can we get the same results?

Infinitum: Inspect Philippians 3
3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others, by emphasizing the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and the world through these Jesus-colored lenses.

Ready Set Go! How To Run This Race Called Life
4 Days
How many of us have said this year will be different? My prayer is that it really will be. God designed us with a specific purpose. And the life He's given us is meant to be lived pursuing that purpose. Not looking back or standing stagnant, but relentlessly going after Him with passion and expectation. My prayer is that this devotional aids you in that pursuit. Ok, Ready, Set GO!

Busyness is a Distraction
4 Days
As much as we hate to admit it, we love to be busy. But is our busyness drawing us closer to what matters most? Or is it just a distraction from God’s calling for our lives? In this 4-day Bible Plan, we’ll explore questions to ask yourself about busyness, so you can reclaim what matters most in your life.

Global Pan(dem)ic & a Sound Faith (Part 2): A 4-Day Maturity Check
4 Days
In the second installment of a three-part series, Dr. Ramesh Richard, president of RREACH (a Global Proclamation Ministry) and professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, offers additional thoughts on how adversity and disruption provide not only an "Identity Check" (Part 1), but also a "Maturity Check" for the Believer. Ultimately, there is freedom in living our lives under the shadow and the empowerment of our Trinitarian Christian Faith.

New Beginnings
4 Days
As our seasons change, our God remains constant. Over four days, we want to examine how the Lord provides for His people at all times, regardless of the worries, disappointments, and missed expectations that come in this world.

Joy in Christ: A Study in Philippians
4 Days
Known as “the epistle of joy,” Philippians is full of encouragement and hope. Although imprisoned in Rome, Paul rejoices at the gospel’s advancement. Philippians reminds us that joy is not dependent upon circumstances. Instead, joy is rooted in the reality that “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).

Focusing Effort
4 Days
God wants you to have a clear vision for your life! God didn’t save your life just to leave you aimless in life. This four-day study is going to equip you to discern the way God has wired you so that you can focus your effort on what matters most and take hold of the abundant life God has promised you.

Beat Your Shame the Jesus Way
4 Days
When we experience sexual abuse, it has the potential to shatter and steal most of who we are. This pain can linger for years with us and rob us of a full, healthy, and whole life. But letting go and forgiving those who have hurt you is possible. Beating Your Shame the Jesus Way will not only bring freedom to your soul but will flood your life with a supernatural love for those around you. It is this incomprehensible love that will change the course of your life forever.

KNOW Philippians
4 Days
This plan will explore what Paul’s letter to the Philippians can teach us in four different areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or followers of Jesus 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

4 Days
This plan offers a 4-day journey through the book of Philippians, making it ideal for both individual and group study.

Faithful to the Finish: Confidence From Philippians for Church Planters
4 Days
Hey, Church Planter! Join this encouraging 4-day Bible reading plan and devotion through Philippians.

A Contrarian’s Guide To Knowing God
5 Days
Do you struggle to do the “right” spiritual disciplines—and feel bad because they don’t bring you closer to God the way they seem to for others? This devotional and the book it’s based on challenge our widely accepted ideas about what it means to know God. Because when it comes to relationship with God, the most important thing is where we end up, not how we get there.

Looking Back/Looking Forward
5 days
“Lord, if we don’t have a 'used-to-be' story, then we don’t have a changed life for today or the future” a friend said in his prayer. Have you taken the time to do a “look back” in your life to see the truth of how God has been reaching to you?

Emboldening Women To Move Past Barriers
5 Days
What’s holding you back from living out your identity as a woman of God? Many women feel conflicted about Jesus’s calling on their lives because a woman loving God beyond her heart and soul, with her mind and strength, can be thought of as crossing some line or unspoken boundary. In this 5-day devotional, author Kat Armstrong challenges you to discover the joy and freedom of being all-in for Jesus.

Uncommon Ground 5-Day Devotional by Tim Keller and John Inazu
5 Days
This 5-day devotional reminds Christians how they can respectfully interact with people whose beliefs are radically different and remain faithful to the gospel. Through prayer you will learn how to think deeply and working daily to live with humility, patience, and tolerance in our time.
![[#Life] Midlife](/_next/image?
[#Life] Midlife
5 Days
If you are feeling frustrated in midlife, give it to the Lord and experience the freedom of knowing that God has something more for you. There is a reason for the season that you are in. Lean into trusting the Lord, and lean into the relationships that God has placed in your life.

Jesus at the Door: Evangelism Made Easy
5 Days
Evangelism is hard when we try to maintain control, but it becomes easy when we release control to God. This devotional will guide you into seeing the power of the Gospel and how to partner with God to see greater results without feeling the pressure to perform.

The Leader in You
5 Days
Whether you are just starting out in leadership or are looking for a fresh start, Ebony Small helps you discover five biblical principles for leadership. God uses every experience—good, bad, or indifferent—to help you lead from an authentic and healthy place. Discover your unique leadership gifts and skills, and see how obedience to God unleashes a ripple effect that can alter the destiny of generations to come.

Recovering Hope: A 5-Day Devotional on the Intersection of Race, Mental Health, and Faith
5 Days
How can people from diverse racial, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds come together to heal wounds, reconcile with one another, and begin the journey of recovery? Paul's letters to the church address this same question as he struggled to reconcile first-century Jewish and Gentile believers. His pastoral and theological vision for a united church addressed education, identity, community, hope, and responsibility. In our day, we can do the same.

Win! 5 Day Devotional for Your Victory!
5 Days
They say winning is a choice. Because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ and Him taking on sin and death for us, we win! Sometimes the going gets tough and it's hard to remember that we are victors. Today as you begin my reading plan, I believe that you will finish it remembering that you've already won!

Christian Foundations 3 - Growth
5 Days
Growth is the third in a series of studies that helps you establish a strong biblical foundation as a follower of Jesus. In this plan, we explore how to grow as a Christian. There are five really important practices that will help you become more mature in your Christian faith.

Into the New
5 Days
Who doesn’t love a fresh start? A new beginning? An opportunity to turn the page and start again with a clean slate? If that sounds good to you, you will enjoy working through our 5-day ‘New Year’ devotional. Designed to help you start strong, we pray that you can develop ideas and habits that will enrich your new year.

At Your Best
5 Days
In his new book, At Your Best, pastor and leadership expert Carey Nieuwhof says, “You deserve to stop living at an unsustainable pace. What if—instead—you learned how to live in a way today that will help you thrive tomorrow."

Becoming a Next-Level Believer
5 Days
Next-level believers are anointed to influence every sphere of society and represent God on the earth. Passionate and proactive rather than passive, they engage the surrounding culture in their cities, regions and nations and push back darkness with the Kingdom of God’s light. With God-given power and authority, next-level believers arise as the Church and enforce the victories Christ won at Calvary, setting the enemy’s captives free along the way.