Inspiring Reflections For The Christmas Seasonサンプル

Inspiring Reflections For The Christmas Season

6日中 4日

Questions in the Christmas Story - 2 

“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34)

Mary asked this question when the angel Gabriel brought her yet another astounding message (Luke1:26-33). She was to give birth to the Messiah, the Son of God, as a virgin!! (Luke1:31,35). Obviously in shock, and puzzled, Mary asked, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” This was a question of wonder, not of unbelief, as she grappled with how such an amazing thing could actually take place. The angel answered, “The power of the Most High will overshadow you…For nothing is impossible with God” (Luke1:35-37). 

Mary, with childlike faith and wonder, replied “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said” (Luke 1:38). She accepted God’s word, even though a broken engagement and neighborhood gossip were a very real possibility. (It would take decades for people to believe her story!).

To illustrate, I visited the States last year to attend a Preaching Conference. Before leaving home, I told my two sons that I would get them a LEGO toy they loved, which was very expensive in Sri Lanka. Although they wondered how I could purchase what was an expensive toy, they believed that I would be true to my word. Thankfully, I received a gift of the toy and when I forwarded a picture to them, they were filled with a sense of wonder and went ‘wow’.

Friend, when God gives you a promise, be confident that He will fulfil it, in His time. If you are prone to question, ‘How will this be?’ may it be a question of wonder and childlike faith, not one of unbelief.

PRAYER - Lord, give me the same childlike faith that Mary had. May I trust You in every challenge I face during the Christmas Season. 

THOUGHT – Be filled with wonder at the awesome works of God.

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Inspiring Reflections For The Christmas Season

Christmas can be a difficult time for many people. Looking back over the year, they may see many dreams not fulfilled and many questions unanswered. Others face stress, loneliness and financial struggles. They can't seem to identify with the celebratory Christmas spirit around them that somehow seems to have eluded them. Their cry, echoed through the words of Country legend Merle Haggard may be, 'If we make it through December, everything is gonna be alright I know'. Over the next 6 days, these Christmas Reflections will inspire you to know that God waits to fulfill your dreams and answer your questions
