Set Me Free: Devotions From Time of Grace Ministryサンプル

Set Me Free: Devotions From Time of Grace Ministry

31日中 21日

SET ME FREE FROM MENTAL PRISONS: PESSIMISM Are pessimists born that way, or is it an attitude that they choose? Your genes or upbringing may have contributed to a gloomy outlook, but God's Word will not let you stay that way. You are not a slave of your attitudes. Your spirit has been reborn by the power of the Spirit. Your new Christ-like self is in charge--you've been given authority and power over your crabby, old self. Jesus has paid your debts. Satan is broken and doomed. Death is temporary. You have been preapproved for a suite in the heavenly mansions. So act like the winner you are! You can choose what to let your mind dwell on. If you look for failure, ugliness, defeat, and pain, you can certainly find it. But here's a better way: "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things" (Philippians 4:8). Both God's Word and God's world are full of beauty, grace, and hope. If you choose to look for them, you will find them all around you. Let your mind dwell on those things, and you will be transformed into an optimist.
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Set Me Free: Devotions From Time of Grace Ministry

God's Word has answers to the things that trouble us and helps liberate us from the entanglements and burdens that make our lives hard. This 31 day reading plan will help you access, appreciate, and use the power and wisdom that God has placed in his Word.
