Praying Over Your Children and Stepchildrenサンプル

Praying Over Your Children and Stepchildren

7日中 3日


Not only was King Solomon the wisest king of his time, but he was also a prolific writer. In fact, 1 Kings 4:32 says he wrote 1,005 songs and spoke 3,000 proverbs, some of which are contained in the Book of Proverbs in the Bible. Over and over, he told his listeners to chase after wisdom, gain it, cherish it, and never let it go. As a young king, Solomon asked God to give him wisdom, not wealth or long life (1 Kings 3:11). Why ask for wisdom? Because King David was his father, Solomon had probably seen how much wisdom David needed.

As parents and bonus parents, we feel the weight of our responsibility to protect, teach, nurture, guide, and launch our children into adulthood. Thankfully, God is the Author of wisdom, and He will nurture, teach, and guide us as we try to do the same for our kiddos. While we may not know how to parent our children and bonus children in every season or situation, He will give us wisdom if we ask for it (James 1:5). As He gives freely to us, we can pass on His wisdom to our children. While it may seem like they are not listening, we can rest assured that God’s Word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11). And that’s good news for all of us!


God of all truth, thank You for giving us wisdom when we ask for it. I pray that You would grant my children and bonus children wisdom beyond their years. Give them discernment to make wise choices that honor You, whether at school, on the field, at practice, or with friends. Let their young minds be shaped by Your truth rather than the deceptive influences of the world. Allow Your Spirit to guide them against making unwise decisions, and may they follow Your direction and guidance. Amen.

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Praying Over Your Children and Stepchildren

Our children and bonus children are precious gifts from God, and sometimes we struggle to find the right words to pray for them. This seven-day plan offers heartfelt prayers for your kids as they navigate everyday situations and life in a blended family.
