

8日中 4日

忠実なしもべになる | Be A Faithful Servant

先週、私は夫と一緒にミネソタ州に行き、学生、難民、移民、聖書の教えなど、さまざまな奉仕で長年奉仕してきた多くの地元のクリスチャンの奉仕者に会う機会がありました。 彼らのほとんどは年配の方々でしたが、彼らの地域社会で奉仕する人々に対する情熱と愛には感銘を受けると同時に、謙虚な気持ちになりました。 私も彼らのように長年にわたり、誠実で熱心にそして愛をもって神と人に仕えることができればと願っています。

今日の聖句:コロサイ人への手紙 3章17節


This past week, I had a chance to go to Minnesota with my husband and meet many local Christian workers who have been serving in various ministries, such as for students, refugees, immigrants, teaching the Bible, etc. for many years. Most of them were 40 years or older, but I could feel their passion and love for those they serve in their community. I was very encouraged but at the same time, humbled by their many years of service for the Kingdom of God and His people. I too hope that I will be able to serve God with a sincere servant heart for many years.

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