31 Days to Fullサンプル

31 Days to Full

31日中 11日

Let’s rewind to where we started. Go back to your list of cups you’re pouring into. Rewrite what those cups are. This time draw a line down the middle of the page. On the left side write the list of cups you’re pouring into. On the right side, write one of the three options below. Meditate on the scriptures that follow as you go through this process:

  • God ordained
  • Self ordained
  • Unsure

Now, it would be easy to say stop doing everything that isn’t ordained by God, but we all know if it were that easy we wouldn’t be doing it in the first place. So from this, we have a few specific prayers.

God, direct my path in what is ordained by you. Help me to be prepared, obedient, unbroken and rested, so I can pour and be filled in these areas.

God, I acknowledge that there are places where I am pouring that you didn’t call me to. Help me to redirect my attention and my energy, so I am not stretching myself thin and interrupting my ability to pour and be filled.

God, I admit that I am unsure in some areas. I don’t know if these things have been ordained by you, and I desire to be totally aligned with your will. Please reveal to me what your will is for me in these areas.

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31 Days to Full

You weren't designed to be empty. God has given us all the tools we need to remain full. At any given moment, when you are feeling empty, go to the source: God. This devotional was designed to help you reconnect to the source. It's a 31-day journey of scripture and thought-provoking journal prompts that will challenge you and also help you find your way to full.
