A Table in the Wilderness: A Study on God's Goodnessサンプル

A Table in the Wilderness: A Study on God's Goodness

5日中 5日

When I Need Hope

Have you ever waited for something so long you could almost taste it? We’re all waiting for something. In a culture of injustice, we’re waiting for justice. In a world of evil, we’re longing for good. In a troubled life, we dream of a meal filled with joy instead of bickering. In my own life, I’m still waiting for my Prince Charming to come!

To anyone discouraged, feeling like life is too hard, to anyone overwhelmed by the power of temptation, to anyone tired of waiting, Revelation 19 is a reminder that things won’t always be this way. A better day is coming.

The word omnipotent in Revelation 19:6 can also mean “almighty.” It is used nine times in the book of Revelation as a title for God. The same God described in Revelation is the God on the throne of the universe today.

Although the troubles of this earth can feel eternal, the Word of God recalibrates our vision. Ours is a love story that no power in hell and no force on earth can destroy. No wonder Paul prays that we, “being rooted and grounded in love, may have the strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge” (Ephesians 3:17–19).

Do you look around you and see the darkness in our world getting darker? Do you ask where God is? There is coming a day when Satan will be defeated forever.

The glory of God shines most brightly when we are supremely satisfied in Christ despite Satan’s torments. Are you willing to risk it? Are you willing to fight for joy even though your circumstances may not change?

For your eternal soul, existence is not meant to remain difficult forever. The opposite is true for the followers of Jesus. One day soon, we will be feasting at the best table yet—the great marriage supper of the Lamb. What a meal this will be!

Where in your life right now do you need a reminder of God’s omnipotence the most? How is God using the coming celebration with Jesus to invite you to hold on to hope?

This plan is presented to you in A Table in the Wilderness by Lina AbuJamra. To learn more about this book, please click here.



A Table in the Wilderness: A Study on God's Goodness

Are you in need of goodness in your life? So am I! I am a recovering Eeyore, but the more I taste God’s goodness, the harder it becomes to hang on to my crusty outlook. Instead, I’ve found myself delighted to be invited to God’s table in the wilderness, where His goodness overflows. This week, we will feast on God’s goodness in light of our needs and longings.
