UNPACK This...Confession Leads to Growth and Healingサンプル

UNPACK This...Confession Leads to Growth and Healing

5日中 2日

Snap And Clear

One of the biggest challenges young NFL quarterbacks face is not dwelling on mistakes during the game.

Early in Jameis Winston's career, his quarterback coach, Mike Bajakian, taught him an interesting phrase to help him focus on the task at hand and better transition from one play to the next without lingering on what had just taken place.

Winston began using the phrase “snap and clear” to remind himself that the last play was over. This encouraged him to make sure he stayed focused on the next opportunity instead of looking back.

Winston said, “I don’t think a mistake will ever eat at me, just because of my confidence and it’s just my mentality that if I fall down, I’m going to get back up. I’m not going to just sit down and harp on it.”

NFL quarterbacks don’t want to make mistakes or throw interceptions, but when they do they must acknowledge the issue and move on.

As followers of Jesus who rest in God’s grace, we can implement the “snap and clear” mentality in how we view ourselves and others.

We don’t desire to mess up and certainly don’t want others to hurt us, but forgiveness and moving forward are important in both instances. The “snap and clear” phrase can be translated to “confess and forgive.”

We must forgive ourselves and others while receiving God’s forgiveness, and understand the negative effects that come if we harp on it for too long. Grace and mercy are available to us, but we have to let go.

Scripture affirms that we should acknowledge when we blow it, then learn from it and “move on to the next play.”

Proverbs 28:13 tells us, “People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.”

Today, let’s experience freedom as we “snap and clear” or “confess and forgive” while seeking to honor God with our lives.

I’m Bryce Johnson, and you can UNPACK that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I’m so grateful I can come before a Holy God and confess my sins. Please forgive me and help me to move forward knowing You show me grace and mercy through Jesus. I pray for the strength to forgive others and not dwell on the past. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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UNPACK This...Confession Leads to Growth and Healing

Through a lens of sports and Biblical truth, this 5-day reading plan unpacks how confessing our sins to God and others leads to tremendous growth and healing.
