Warrior Encouragementサンプル

Warrior Encouragement

12日中 5日

When I was in Afghanistan, I always carried a 9 mm Beretta on me. Not a day went by that I wasn’t responsible for that gun and carrying it with me 24/7. Thankfully, I didn’t go on the frontlines, nor did I ever have to shoot that gun, unless it was for training. However, it was a good feeling to know that if something did happen, I was armed and ready.

Today’s passage is from the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus is tempted by Satan in the desert. Jesus had just fasted 40 days and nights, so he was HUNGRY! And doesn’t it always happen that when we’re weak, that’s when the enemy likes to come and attack us? But look closely at what Jesus does every single time the devil tempts Him to worship the devil.

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’"

Matthew 4:4

It is written! Jesus is quoting scripture as his offensive weapon! Remember yesterday when we talked about the armor of God? Our only offensive weapon is the sword of the spirit, which is God’s word! Your Bible is your weapon!

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12

The Bible's holy and God-inspired words are a powerful weapon and your best tactic when you’re being attacked. But how can you use it if you don’t know it?

So, pull out your Bible or search your YouVersion Bible app to start memorizing Bible verses right now. If you are struggling with anxiety, do a search for Bible verses about fear. If you feel unloved, seek out verses about God’s love and then commit them to memory. The Holy Spirit will remind you of those verses when you need them the most. They will be your weapon to combat the lies you hear in your mind.


1. Are you surprised at how Jesus handled being tempted by the devil?

2. Do you know a Bible verse you can quote right now? Go ahead and say it out loud if you know one.

3. What is something you struggle with that you’d like to combat with a Bible verse?

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Warrior Encouragement

Every Christian is a warrior in God's army, but even the strongest soldiers need encouragement when fighting in the daily battles of life. This 12-day Bible plan was written by an Afghanistan War veteran with spiritual principles from her combat training that can be applied to any person, whether they served in the military or not.
